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I have been away for four days and on my return I have discovered a whole bunch of zero length recordings
hmt details and activity log appear to show a normal duration recording (apart from size!)
I have 47Gb free space on the drive, other recordings have processed normally,
any suggestions as to what has gone wrong, more evidence to look for and how to prevent any recurrence?
37414 06/01/2020 23:48:50 aOneOff/Who Wants To Be a Millionaire_____20200105_2231 decrypt FAILED 00:00:00 Zero-byte recording, cannot process 06/01/2020 23:49:02
39691 08/01/2020 20:11:27 Doctor Who/Doctor Who_20200105_1859 decrypt FAILED 00:00:00 Zero-byte recording, cannot process 08/01/2020 20:12:02
39816 08/01/2020 23:28:26 The Misadventures of Romesh___/Misadventures of Romesh____20200105_2200 decrypt FAILED 00:00:00 Zero-byte recording, cannot process 08/01/2020 23:29:03
39846 09/01/2020 00:13:45 Dara O Briain - Voice of Reason/Dara O Briain - Voice of Reason_20200105_2301 decrypt FAILED 00:00:00 Zero-byte recording, cannot process 09/01/2020 00:14:01
I have 47Gb free space on the drive, other recordings have processed normally,
any suggestions as to what has gone wrong, more evidence to look for and how to prevent any recurrence?