Request for transmitter/service info.


Well-Known Member
To assist with possible automated conversion by tunefix-update of BBC One HD in England to a regionalised version, I need your regional information.
If you can help, that would be appreciated. Here are the steps required to extract the information:
  1. Make a short (1 minute or so) recording on any HD channel
  2. Decrypt the recording using the WebIf
  3. Install the dvbsnoop package (version 1.4.51-1, just updated) either from the WebIf or the command prompt i.e. opkg update; opkg install dvbsnoop
  4. Run the following commands at the command prompt and report the output
    • cd "/mnt/hd2/My Video"
    • dvbsnoop -s ts -m2ts -b -if Breakfast_20230211_0857.ts 0 >/tmp/pat
      Obviously you need to substitute your actual recording name in place of my example Breakfast_20230211_0857.ts
    • dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0|grep 175
    • sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select substr(sznetname,4),usnetid from tbl_net"
You should get something like this:
            Program_number: 17540 (0x4484)
            Program_number: 17541 (0x4485)
East Midlands|12323
If not, check for typos. - the commands need to be entered exactly as above, apart from the file name. Don't forget to decrypt the recording first.

I do not need information for anything in the Results list below. Post here, or PM the output to me on a Conversation if you're sensitive about your location.
If someone else has already done your region and you get the same results, then there's no need to post.

(You can of course uninstall the dvbsnoop package afterwards and delete the recording.)


London            |12339|17536
South East        |12338|17548
South             |12340|17539
Berks & North Hant|12336|17539
Oxon & Bucks      |12324|17547
South West        |12343|17538
Channel Islands   |12352|17550
West              |12346|17537
Gloucestershire   |12344|17537
West Midlands     |12325|17541
East Midlands     |12323|17542
East Anglia       |12321|17543
Cambs & Beds      |12320|17549
Yorkshire         |12333|17546
South Yorkshire   |12331|17546
East Yorks & Lincs|12327|17551
North West        |12330|17544
North East        |12329|17545
Central Scotland  |12360|
East Borders      |12361|
West Borders      |12334|
Highlands & Island|12362|
Northern Ireland  |12376|
Wales             |12368|17598
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humax /mnt/hd2/My Video # dvbsnoop -s ts -m2ts -b -if "Chicken Run_20230212_1521.ts"  0 >/tmp/pat
humax /mnt/hd2/My Video # dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0|grep 175
humax /mnt/hd2/My Video # sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select substr(sznetname,4),usnetid from tbl_net"
humax /mnt/hd2/My Video #

Without the grep the second snoop gives
dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0
dvbsnoop V1.4.51-1 --

TS-Packet: 00000001   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)
from file: /tmp/pat
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]
continuity_counter: 13 (0x0d)  [= (sequence ok)]
    Payload: (len: 184)

    TS sub-decoding (2 packet(s) stored for PID 0x0000):
    Subdecoding takes 251 bytes from next TS packet
    TS contains Section...
    $$$ something is wrong here!!...

TS-Packet: 00000002   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)
from file: /tmp/pat
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]
continuity_counter: 14 (0x0e)  [= (sequence ok)]
    Payload: (len: 184)
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This comes from a HD-FOX with promiscuous tuning. The service recorded declares itself as "BBC 2 Wales HD":

Program_number: 17534 (0x447e)                                                         
Program_number: 17598 (0x44be)                                                         

"This comes from a HD-FOX with promiscuous tuning."
Do you get the same result if you remove all those adult channels?
Have done it twice but only getting
Can you try the second dvbsnoop without the "|grep 175" bit? Do you get the same as MymsMan?
$$$ something is wrong here!!...
Try increasing the "-n 2" to "-n 6" and see if that helps. Otherwise can you zip and PM me the /tmp/pat file please?
I wonder why it works for three of us but not for you two...
Program_number: 17536 (0x4480)
Program_number: 17540 (0x4484)
It might help if this could be rolled out as a diagnostic.
I thought about it, but getting the file name in is a bit of a nuisance.
Program_number: 17534 (0x447e)
Program_number: 17598 (0x44be)
Can you run the second dvbsnoop without the "|grep 175" bit please and send me the output.
Or perhaps this:
sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select tsidx,substr(szsvcname,2),uspmtpid,ussvcid from tbl_svc where tsidx in (select tsidx from tbl_svc where szsvcname like '%BBC ONE%') and esvctype=1 order by 1"
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HDFOX3# cd media/drive1/Video/                                                                     
HDFOX3# ls test.ts                                                                                 
HDFOX3# dvbsnoop -s ts -m2ts -b -if test.ts 0 >/tmp/pat                                            
HDFOX3# dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0                                 
dvbsnoop V1.4.51-1 --                                             
TS-Packet: 00000001   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)                                        
from file: /tmp/pat                                                                                
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)                                                                          
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]                                                 
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]                                     
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)                                                                       
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]                                   
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]                     
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]                          
continuity_counter: 10 (0x0a)  [= (sequence ok)]
    Payload: (len: 184)                                                                            
    TS sub-decoding (1 packet(s) stored for PID 0x0000):                                           
    TS contains Section...                                                                         
    SI packet (length=60):                                                                         
        PID:  0 (0x0000)  [= assigned for: ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]            
        Guess table from table id...                                                               
        Table_ID: 0 (0x00)  [= Program Association Table (PAT)]                                    
        section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)                                                         
        Transport_Stream_ID: 16574 (0x40be)                                                        
        Version_number: 27 (0x1b)                                                                  
        current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= valid now]                                            
        Section_number: 0 (0x00)                                                                   
        Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00)                                                              
            Program_number: 0 (0x0000)                                                             
            Network_PID: 16 (0x0010)                                                               
            Program_number: 17534 (0x447e)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 100 (0x0064)                                                          
            Program_number: 17598 (0x44be)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6600 (0x19c8)                                                         
            Program_number: 17663 (0x44ff)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6500 (0x1964)                                                         
            Program_number: 17664 (0x4500)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 300 (0x012c)                                                          
            Program_number: 17728 (0x4540)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6400 (0x1900)                                                         
            Program_number: 17792 (0x4580)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 7400 (0x1ce8)                                                         
            Program_number: 18048 (0x4680)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6700 (0x1a2c)                                                         
            Program_number: 18174 (0x46fe)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 7150 (0x1bee)                                                         
            Program_number: 18176 (0x4700)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6900 (0x1af4)                                                         
            Program_number: 20160 (0x4ec0)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 7900 (0x1edc)                                                         
            Program_number: 20256 (0x4f20)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 7500 (0x1d4c)                                                         
TS-Packet: 00000002   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)                                        
from file: /tmp/pat                                                                                
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)                                                                          
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]                                                 
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]                                     
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)                                                                       
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]                                   
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]                     
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]                          
continuity_counter: 11 (0x0b)  [= (sequence ok)]                                                   
    Payload: (len: 184)                                                                            
HDFOX3# sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select tsidx,substr(szsvcname,2),uspmtpid,ussvcid from
 tbl_svc where tsidx in (select tsidx from tbl_svc where szsvcname like '%BBC ONE%') and esvctype=1
 order by 1"                                                                                       
1|BBC ONE Wales|100|4222                                                                           
1|BBC TWO Wales|200|4286                                                                           
4|BBC ONE West|100|4161                                                                            
4|BBC TWO|200|4287                                                                                 
4|BBC THREE|300|4288                                                                               
4|BBC NEWS|500|4352                                                                                
4|BBC Red Button|2700|4416                                                                         
4|BBC Information Channel|2850|4480                                                                
4|BBC FOUR|400|4544                                                                                
4|BBC Parliament|600|4736                                                                          
4|BBC RB 1|900|7168                                                                                
12|BBC TWO HD|100|17472                                                                            
12|BBC ONE HD|6600|17540                                                                           
12|ITV1 HD|200|17662                                                                               
12|Channel 4 HD|300|17664                                                                          
12|Channel 5 HD|6400|17728                                                                         
12|BBC THREE HD|7000|17920                                                                         
12|BBC FOUR HD|6700|18048                                                                          
12|CBBC HD|7100|18112                                                                              
12|CBeebies HD|6900|18176                                                                          
12|TBN UK|7900|20160                                                                               
Can you try the second dvbsnoop without the "|grep 175" bit? Do you get the same as MymsMan?
Almost the same but had more detail and no error 'something went wrong'. Output as follows:
HumaxOne# cd "/mnt/hd2/My Video"                                                                                                      
HumaxOne# dvbsnoop -s ts -m2ts -b -if TestForPRPR_20230212_1515.ts 0 >/tmp/pat                                                        
HumaxOne# dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0                                                                  
dvbsnoop V1.4.51-1 --                                                                                
TS-Packet: 00000001   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)                                                                           
from file: /tmp/pat                                                                                                                   
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)                                                                                                             
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]                                                                                    
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]                                                                        
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)                                                                                                          
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]                                                                      
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]                                                        
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]                                                             
continuity_counter: 10 (0x0a)  [= (sequence ok)]                                                                                      
    Payload: (len: 184)                                                                                                               
    TS sub-decoding (1 packet(s) stored for PID 0x0000):                                                                              
    TS contains Section...                                                                                                            
    SI packet (length=64):                                                                                                            
        PID:  0 (0x0000)  [= assigned for: ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]                                               
        Guess table from table id...                                                                                                  
        Table_ID: 0 (0x00)  [= Program Association Table (PAT)]                                                                       
        section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)                                                                                            
        Transport_Stream_ID: 16515 (0x4083)                                                                                           
        Version_number: 1 (0x01)                                                                                                      
        current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= valid now]                                                                               
        Section_number: 0 (0x00)                                                                                                      
        Last_Section_number: 0 (0x00)                                                                                                 
            Program_number: 0 (0x0000)                                                                                                
            Network_PID: 16 (0x0010)                                                                                                  
            Program_number: 17472 (0x4440)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 100 (0x0064)                                                                                             
            Program_number: 17539 (0x4483)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 6650 (0x19fa)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 17540 (0x4484)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 6600 (0x19c8)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 17603 (0x44c3)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 200 (0x00c8)                                                                                             
            Program_number: 17664 (0x4500)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 300 (0x012c)                                                                                             
            Program_number: 17728 (0x4540)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 6400 (0x1900)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 17920 (0x4600)
            Program_map_PID: 7000 (0x1b58)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 18048 (0x4680)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 6700 (0x1a2c)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 18112 (0x46c0)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 7100 (0x1bbc)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 18176 (0x4700)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 6900 (0x1af4)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 20160 (0x4ec0)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 7900 (0x1edc)                                                                                            
            Program_number: 20256 (0x4f20)                                                                                            
            Program_map_PID: 7500 (0x1d4c)                                                                                            
TS-Packet: 00000002   PID: 0 (0x0000), Length: 188 (0x00bc)                                                                           
from file: /tmp/pat                                                                                                                   
Sync-Byte 0x47: 71 (0x47)                                                                                                             
Transport_error_indicator: 0 (0x00)  [= packet ok]                                                                                    
Payload_unit_start_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= Packet data starts]                                                                        
transport_priority: 0 (0x00)                                                                                                          
PID: 0 (0x0000)  [= ISO 13818-1 Program Association Table (PAT)]                                                                      
transport_scrambling_control: 0 (0x00)  [= No scrambling of TS packet payload]                                                        
adaptation_field_control: 1 (0x01)  [= no adaptation_field, payload only]                                                             
continuity_counter: 11 (0x0b)  [= (sequence ok)]                                                                                      
    Payload: (len: 184)                                                                                                               
HumaxOne# sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select substr(sznetname,4),usnetid from tbl_net"                                       

Edit: It was shrunk overnight - will this make a difference ?
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            Program_number: 17534 (0x447e)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 100 (0x0064)                                                          
            Program_number: 17598 (0x44be)                                                         
            Program_map_PID: 6600 (0x19c8)
Ta. I think the SQL fell foul of the "BBC ONE..." in England and "BBC 1..." in Wales name mess. Anyway, 6600 is the PMT PID for BBC 1/ONE HD, so 17598 is the service(program) number. The other one is BBC 2/TWO HD.
Almost the same but had more detail and no error 'something went wrong'. Output as follows:
            Program_number: 17539 (0x4483)                                                                                           
            Program_map_PID: 6650 (0x19fa)                                                                                           
            Program_number: 17540 (0x4484)                                                                                           
            Program_map_PID: 6600 (0x19c8)
Struggling to see why the "grep 175" didn't find these. Anyway 17539 is the wanted number thanks - PMT PID 6650 is the one to look for.
Edit: It was shrunk overnight - will this make a difference ?
It shouldn't do as that just removes EIT packets with PID 18. The PAT packets we are interested in for this are PID 0.
Depends how interested you are in pursuing the academic exercise with both shrunk and un-shrunk versions to see if you can spot what happened...
Ta. I think the SQL fell foul of the "BBC ONE..." in England and "BBC 1..." in Wales name mess. Anyway, 6600 is the PMT PID for BBC 1/ONE HD, so 17598 is the service(program) number. The other one is BBC 2/TWO HD.
Why does the data I posted for 6600 say "BBC ONE HD" when the EPG calls it "BBC 1 Wales HD"??
My previous test was with about a 15 minute recording - so perhaps it has a problem with bigger files

Trying with a 1 minute recording worked
humax /mnt/hd2/My Video # dvbsnoop -s ts -n 2 -tssubdecode -if /tmp/pat -nph -pd 3 0|grep 175
            Program_number: 17539 (0x4483)
            Program_number: 17540 (0x4484)
humax /mnt/hd2/My Video # sqlite3 /var/lib/humaxtv/channel.db "select substr(sznetname,4),usnetid from tbl_net"
Why does the data I posted for 6600 say "BBC ONE HD" when the EPG calls it "BBC 1 Wales HD"??
Because of your promiscuity. That was from the Mendip mux. rather than the Wenvoe mux.
Repeat the sqlite3 query with "%BBC 1%" instead of "%BBC ONE%" and you should see it.
It seems that the goalposts have been moved and several of the service numbers collected above are now wrong (West, East Midlands, East Yorks & Lincs). Luckily, a new list has come my way...