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      crensdale reacted to everthewatcher's post in the thread power supply with Like Like.
      The danger is the 400V or so on the biggest cap on the board. But it'll very quickly drop to nothing to worry about after removing the...
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      crensdale replied to the thread power supply.
      Thanks. I think it's the pw808 isn't it, which isn't available, so yes, used Foxsat it is. It mentions elsewhere about being careful...
    • C
      Hello I'm trying to help a family member with their Foxsat HDR remotely. They're saying that it's reluctant to power up, and if they...
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      crensdale replied to the thread salvage drive.
      Not sure, probably nice to have. But as Black Hole said, it's only telly... Think I'm going to get a used Foxsat HDR and take things...
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      crensdale reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread salvage drive with Like Like.
      It's only telly. There'll be more along soon.
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      crensdale replied to the thread salvage drive.
      You mean the box itself? The only reason to stick with a Foxsat HDR would be to preserve the recordings. No, but they said it makes the...
    • C
      Hello I'm helping someone remotely with a Foxsat HDR which sounds like it's on the way out (not reliably booting up). Just have a couple...
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