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[auto-schedule-restore] Not restoring all recordings

Sorry for the multiple posts, but just tried to restore a schedule backup and got this:

Restoring New Haunting: Australia (Really)
No change in channel service.
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'a"
Restoring New: The Gadget Show (Channel 5)
No change in channel service
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'1"
Restoring New: Gotham (Channel 5)
No change in channel service.
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'1"
Could you post the contents of the backup file? (/mod/var/<backup file name>)
Could you post the contents of the backup file? (/mod/var/<backup file name>)

Zipped and attached.

All seems very odd that my channel 5 and Really recordings are all broken in the same way and affecting:

Web-if change folder
Web-if schedule restore
auto-schedule-restore package

Hope you figure it out.


Just thought I would add some additional info. Been looking at the new log viewer (nice work af123) and have noted that after a failed folder change from the web-if schedule page, the webif-error.log contains:

5 at file "/mod/webif/lib/rsv.class", line 319
4 at file "/mod/lib/jim/oo.tcl", line 65
3 in procedure 'rsv insert' called at file "/mod/lib/jim/oo.tcl", line 48
2 in procedure '<reference.<rsv____>.00000000000000000000>' called at file "/mod/webif/html/sched/folder.jim", line 16
1 Runtime Error: /mod/webif/lib/rsv.class:319: unrecognized token: "X'1"

which as you see has that strange unrecognized token error I see when trying to restore a schedule?
Can you (temporarily) modify /mod/webif/lib/rsv.class to insert a "puts" statement at line 318 (which is currently blank) so it reads like this:
  set query "insert into ${table}("
  append query [join $fields ","]
  append query ") values("
  append query [join $vals ","]
  append query ");"
puts $query
  $rsvdb query $query
Then retry the restore and post these lines following an item that fails e.g.
Restoring New Haunting: Australia (Really)
Service number has changed 393313 -> 852232, fixing.
AUL Really (393313 -> 852232)
insert into pending(action,aulEventToRecordInfo,bRecomRsv,eReady,erepeat,ersvtype,hsvc,nduration,nsttime,szCRID,szEventToRecord,szFPBRecPath,szRecordedProgCrid,szevtname,szsttime,ucCRIDType,ucInputMode,ucRecKind,ucVolume,ulPostOffset,ulPreOffset,ulProgramId,ulSeriesId,ulslot,usChNum,usLastRecordedEvtId,usevtid)
values('0',X'08010d00806a935490789354d80b0000','0','30','0','3','852232','3600','1418947200','BDS.TV/MJVBW6','1BDS.TV/C94Y9W|','New Haunting: Australia','','New Haunting: Australia','00000000000000','50','0','4','0','0','0','0','0','18','0','0','3032');
Currently on holiday (out of the country) so will investigate and add the above debug lines when I am back in the UK in a couple of weeks time and will give an update. All very mysterious why it appears to be just me having problems?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
OK - Just retuned and auto restore only managed to restore 12 out of 16 so I tried a manual restore via the web-interface and it did exactly the same but allowed me to see what the errors were. Again its those strange tokens for 3 entries and a "Error inserting event, not enough arguments for all format specifiers" error message for the other missing entry :

Restoring scheduled events from /mod/var/backup/backup-2015-Jan-08-23:49.rbk...
Backup version 2
Restoring Hollyoaks (Channel 4 HD)
Service number has changed 131086 -> 196645, fixing.
AUL Channel 4 HD (131086 -> 196645)
AUL Channel 4 HD (131086 -> 196645)
AUL Channel 4 HD (131086 -> 196645)
AUL Channel 4 HD (131086 -> 196645)
AUL Channel 4 HD (131086 -> 196645)
Restoring Room 101 (BBC ONE HD)
Service number has changed 131087 -> 196646, fixing.
AUL BBC ONE HD (131087 -> 196646)
Restoring Benidorm (ITV HD)
Service number has changed 131088 -> 196647, fixing.
AUL ITV HD (131088 -> 196647)
Restoring 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (Channel 4+1 HD)
Service number has changed 65543 -> 131101, fixing.
AUL Channel 4+1 HD (65543 -> 131101)
Restoring FIA Formula E Championships Live (ITV4)
Service number has changed 458878 -> 524439, fixing.
AUL ITV4 (458878 -> 524439)
Restoring FIA Formula E Highlights (ITV4)
Service number has changed 458878 -> 524439, fixing.
AUL ITV4 (458878 -> 524439)
Restoring Still Open All Hours (BBC ONE HD)
Service number has changed 131087 -> 196646, fixing.
AUL BBC ONE HD (131087 -> 196646)
Restoring New: Revenge (E4)
Service number has changed 262190 -> 327749, fixing.
AUL E4 (262190 -> 327749)
Error inserting event, not enough arguments for all format specifiers
Restoring Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad (BBC TWO HD)
Service number has changed 131085 -> 196644, fixing.
AUL BBC TWO HD (131085 -> 196644)
Restoring New: The 100 (E4)
Service number has changed 262190 -> 327749, fixing.
AUL E4 (262190 -> 327749)
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'E"
Restoring New Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled (Dave)
Service number has changed 393302 -> 458863, fixing.
AUL Dave (393302 -> 458863)
Restoring Cockroaches (ITV2)
Service number has changed 262187 -> 327746, fixing.
AUL ITV2 (262187 -> 327746)
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'B"
Restoring Birds of a Feather (ITV HD)
Service number has changed 131088 -> 196647, fixing.
AUL ITV HD (131088 -> 196647)
Restoring New: The Big Bang Theory (E4)
Service number has changed 262190 -> 327749, fixing.
AUL E4 (262190 -> 327749)
Error inserting event, unrecognized token: "X'E"
Restoring Never Mind the Buzzcocks (BBC TWO HD)
Service number has changed 131085 -> 196644, fixing.
AUL BBC TWO HD (131085 -> 196644)
Restoring New: Crims (BBC THREE HD)
Service number has changed 131089 -> 196648, fixing.
AUL BBC THREE HD (131089 -> 196648)
Restoring favourite channels...

What is going on! It surely can't be just my setup?
It sounds like the restore process is getting corrupted by unanticipated data in the backup file.
It does look like a bug in the code. Once I can see the output from prpr's suggestion I should be able to find and fix it.
You haven't yet followed the instructions in post 27...

Sorry about that. With going away at Xmas and my channel 5 and Really programmes finishing I did not have anything to try it on. Incidentally I am using Newk at the moment for the renaming which seems to be working. I'll have a play - not promising it will be tonight but we'll see.
OK, just backed up the schedule and done a restore from the web-if with the above mods. The following failed to restore:

The 100
The Big Bang Theory

I have attached the output as a text file to make it easier for you guys to read.


It may or may not be relevant, but beware "The 100".
I had it set on E4+1 last Tuesday and it hasn't scheduled for next week.
Looking at my schedule, it seems to have the CRID for the E4 (not E4+1) episode.
@G4DDS - can you run the 'g4dds' diagnostic, which will update part of your web interface to a test version, and try restoring that file again? Then post the output.
Like prpr, that file restores fine for me.

Running: g4dds
rsv.class has been updated.
4a21ef8fa0e4a50d4847835442db575e5a93185b  /mod/webif/lib/rsv.class
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Here you go. Output attached from a restore with the test version.

By the way - thanks for all the effort you guys (especially af123) are putting into this. I am just glad others (over on the other thread) are also reporting these strange unrecognised tokens when restoring and renaming folders on the schedule. At least it is not just my setup that's playing up.


if {![regexp -nocase {^[0-9a-f]+$} $f} {   
  binary scan $f H* f
I don't understand what the code is doing and why. I may be wrong(!) but it seems it's testing a string for hex. characters which has already been converted to binary.
Of course the latter sometimes contains valid hex. chars and sometimes not.
Seems like service indexes between 0x41 and 0x46 will trip this up (and on G4DDS's box, ITV2 and E4 match) and nothing else will. This explains why it is variable between boxes.
Surely you just need to "binary scan" everything here i.e. remove the test altogether?
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