[WebIF] Feature Requests

If you are happy to get into the shell command line, through Webshell, telnet or SSH, you can find the ffmpeg process and kill it (pkill ffmpeg). That will cause the job to fail.
We really need an easier way of getting rid of long running queued tasks,

Storing the PID of the currently running queued task in the queue.db entry would be one option but it is fairly complicated to add a new field to an existing database definition but then I realised that is not actually needed.
By design only one queued task can be running at a time so rather than a pid field in each queue entry it only needs a single pid to be stored which could be in the settings database or in a simple file.

  1. When starting a queued task save the pid of the started task in file/db
  2. (optionally) When task ends delete saved pid
  3. Add 'Kill current task' button to queue display button, button action issues kill pid command
  4. (optionally) Disable kill button when no task active, Display pid on Queue panel