• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.
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    • C
      Chris Cain reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread Manhattan T4-R with Like Like.
      So you just decode the MPEG and output it to HDMI as-is, no change to resolution or applying any filtering beyond what was necessary to...
    • C
      Chris Cain reacted to Black Hole's post in the thread Manhattan T4-R with Like Like.
      I think pass-through is a much better option than any processing. A user's TV probably has all the image sharpening/softening options...
    • C
      Chris Cain replied to the thread Manhattan T4-R.
      You can set the output res, as you’d expect, but can’t adjust any sharpening it adds to the image by default. Hence the idea of an...
    • C
      Chris Cain replied to the thread Manhattan T4-R.
      That’s certainly one option I would say. Perhaps passthrough isn’t the correct term, I’m not especially technical. Essentially I mean a...
    • C
      Chris Cain replied to the thread Manhattan T4-R.
      Essentially the T4-R doing the minimum it needs to pass what it receives to the TV. No unnecessary additional picture processing. Alex...
    • C
      Chris Cain replied to the thread Manhattan T4-R.
      Hi all - I bought a T4-R a week ago to replace a dying Humax FVP-5000T. Despite being a tuner down I’m quite impressed with it. The...
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