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Recent content by kevindickinson

  1. kevindickinson

    New Arris Freesat recorder

    i had a hotspot working from my phone with the Aura recently. On the iPhone under personal hotspot there is a maximise compatibility option. Have you tried that?
  2. kevindickinson

    Graham Thompson

    The post was factual. I was sorry. I did learn a lot from his posts. If BH wants to read bias into this that’s up to him but I simply expressed my condolences and stated two facts.
  3. kevindickinson

    Graham Thompson

    Sorry to hear that. Learnt a lot from his posts in the past. My condolences.
  4. kevindickinson

    Aura apps

    Apologies, made a mess of the post above and can not find a way to delete posts.
  5. kevindickinson

    Aura apps

    VLC seems to work well. I’m using it to stream programs recorded on my HDR-Fox T2.
  6. kevindickinson

    Tyne and Wear TV

    Thanks, I’ll try a retune. Think I was putting 2+2 together and getting 5. I can also get to the website now.
  7. kevindickinson

    Tyne and Wear TV

    Tyne and Wear TV in the North East seems to have ceased broadcasting on Chanel 7, or at least I haven’t been able to pick up the signal in the last couple of days. i can’t get to their website and last post on social media was also a couple of days ago. Have they ceased broadcasting? Anyone...
  8. kevindickinson

    Content Share and ftp issues

    Could this be an active vs passive mode ftp problem? Try issuing the command passive to ftp before doing the ls
  9. kevindickinson

    Assume v. Presume

    My wife says it's wrong. It should be "My wife is better than me"!
  10. kevindickinson

    Major retune ? - a piece of cake...

    Loved the none event of a retune - great work guys I'm still getting the message reminding that a retune is needed when I turn on to BBC1 is there a setting to remove?
  11. kevindickinson

    Vertical mounting

    Different device it seems its set per device rather than per user. Note original was from iPad this one was iPhone. Can't recall if it's something I set when initially playing with Tapatalk or if it's there by default.
  12. kevindickinson

    Vertical mounting

    Sorry forgot that was set
  13. kevindickinson

    Vertical mounting

    Thanks all for the advice. My hard disk is on its way out anyway I suspect, it's lasted longer than I thought it would and I've nothing important on the disk I'd be worried about loosing so will give it a try. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. kevindickinson

    Vertical mounting

    Since posting I've done a few searches and found reference to the fact that hard disks don't like having their orientation changed if they have been working for a long time in one position https://myhumax.org/forum/topic/can-my-hdr-fox-t2-be-installed-vertically I'd not heard that before and...