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Recent content by MrMarky

  1. M

    [webif] Version 1.0.9 Released

    love the single channel epg !
  2. M

    Picture break up

    cheers graham that sorted it, hopefully back to plane sailing now i've replaced hard drive.
  3. M

    Picture break up

    just trying to chuck old recordings from old hard drive to new.. using Ubuntu but it's saying I don't have file permission (not the owner) any idea how to get permission to push over the recordings? sorry for hijacking this thread.
  4. M

    Picture break up

    have a feeling it could be corruption, currently getting around 100% signal quality and 70% signal strength. have a spare 1tb chucking that in now.
  5. M

    Picture break up

    here's a quick clip - it's happening in the exact same spot too.
  6. M

    Picture break up

    Funny enough this exact same thing has been happening to mine, only just started happening too - it freeze's for at least 10 seconds then returns back to normal - just happens at random times. Yesterday I tried the fix disc utility, then recorded last nights corrie and it froze. I have...
  7. M

    TwonkyMedia port over possible?

    yeah can remember xbmc over for the 1st xbox basically what I wanted twonky for on the humax, when I'm on the xbox (playing gta) to stream music from the humx - it also lets me stream the radio which is pretty niffty.
  8. M

    TwonkyMedia port over possible?

    to date i've only ever seen the xbox able to pick up twonky and TVersity raydon included it for the freesat foxsat bundle, would be interested to see if it's possible to get twonky up on the t2?
  9. M

    TwonkyMedia port over possible?

    Cheers Ezra, yes had this enabled but not showing up on the xbox network media search, guess its like Mediatomb with no xbox support.
  10. M

    TwonkyMedia port over possible?

    Just a quick question Currently Mediatomb has no support for the xbox360 - Is it possible to get TwonkyMedia onto the t2? I know its on the humax foxsat which worked flawless for radio streaming and media to the xbox. Cheers
  11. M

    Chrome and humax web portal

    MASSIVE Thumbs up -working spot on since updating!!
  12. M

    Picture suddenly disappears for about 1 second!

    removed SysMon tonight i'll see how it goes cheers :)
  13. M

    Picture suddenly disappears for about 1 second!

    Just want to say I've noticed this too, at first I thought it was interference - but skips forward 2 seconds at random times.
  14. M

    [webif] Version 1.0.0 Released

    Found a temporary fix Download http://www.oldapps.com/google_chrome.php?old_chrome=11967 (previous version of Google Chrome) Now you need to disable the chrome update http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/disable-chrome-automatic-updates/ -------------------------------------------...
  15. M

    [webif] Version 1.0.0 Released

    Not working for me either with, --disable-new-menu-style page is still screwed up. Only working fix at moment is having 1 extension running