Having had some spare time today I've looked at the possibility of re-generating an nts file on the Humax.
Unfortunately on my test HD recording, running ffprobe crashed the Humax (and I tried several times).
Running it on an SD file took 25 mins for a 17 minute recording.
I wouldn't think it...
My recording of Patisserie last night failed on BBC4 HD in the same way.
(This was my second attempt, so I recorded in SD as well)
I am using auto padding and am on Crystal Palace.
I did have the same issue previously with some SD recordings and speculated that it might be possible to re-build...
I've been running without ARBookmarks for a week and haven't had any picture break ups. Could part of this package be running at too high a priority? Or could it be reading the HD files too quickly? The break ups tended to last about 5 seconds only, so I don't know how that relates to the...
I ran fix-disk and didn't see any messages that shouted "OMG! Your disk is knackered"
The only actions I could see in the log were
/lost+found not found. Create? yes
/dev/sda3: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
I have also been running on a modified schedule for...
My box has the 4:30 boot disabled and comes on at 6:00am (to generate thumbnails). It turns itself off when finished.
I think on Tuesday it wasn't on long enough for empty_dustbin to run at 6:00am.
The next time the box came on was when it started a scheduled recording at 8:00pm.
The dustbin...
After a bit of digging I've made the following changes;
Commented out the empty_dustbin task from /mod/etc/anacrontab
Scheduled empty dustbin to run at 6:00am each day instead
I will see how it goes for a week and report back
I'm on the latest version of CF: 2.19.
I had thought the previous changes to process priorities had fixed the issue.
My HD mux shows 50% strength 100% quality which I thought should be plenty.
My picture break up on HD recordings seems to be coming back.
It hasn't been too bad for the past few months.
I realize it is probably reception/weather related but it seems suspicious that it is always within the first 5-10 minutes of a recording starting.
Looking at the last occurrence it...
I'm also getting errors from Auto-decrypt. Web if shows me lots of "auto decrypt failed" messages.
auto.log shows "file did not decrypt properly"
Manual decrypting these files seems to work fine. Is there any test I can run to help diagnose?
I was just wondering if there is any way to assess the recording quality.
I very occasionally get picture breakup on recordings (about 1 in 20). There are so many repeats of things these days it would be nice if there was some way to detect these breakups so I could re-record.
I expect this...
Saving/restoring the schedule and auto deleting the junk channels makes re-tuning much easier.
The only thing I remember having to do manually was re-ordering channels (I have the HD channels on 1-4).
Would it be possible to save/restore these settings too?
I have a series link for Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes on ITV London (not HD).
This is shown every Sat and Sun morning.
However my schedule shows only the Sun episode scheduled. Checking the WebIF EPG shows the Saturday episode highlighted in blue (which I assume means the series matches)...
I have made a few more changes to the script following prpr's feedback
Fixed the indenting (I think)
Check for required packages being installed
Don't process files in folders wrapped in square brackets
Reduce the priority to prevent affecting in-progress recordings
Added some comments
Only run...
Sorry about the readability. It's not a language (or environment) I'm familiar with either. This is the only Linux shell script I've written.
It seems the editors I've used have left me with a mix of tabs and spaces which look fine to me but didn't copy and paste correctly.
I could look at...
Having had some spare time today I've looked at the possibility of re-generating an nts file on the Humax.
Unfortunately on my test HD recording, running ffprobe crashed the Humax (and I tried several times).
Running it on an SD file took 25 mins for a 17 minute recording.
I wouldn't think it...
My recording of Patisserie last night failed on BBC4 HD in the same way.
(This was my second attempt, so I recorded in SD as well)
I am using auto padding and am on Crystal Palace.
I did have the same issue previously with some SD recordings and speculated that it might be possible to re-build...
I've been running without ARBookmarks for a week and haven't had any picture break ups. Could part of this package be running at too high a priority? Or could it be reading the HD files too quickly? The break ups tended to last about 5 seconds only, so I don't know how that relates to the...
I ran fix-disk and didn't see any messages that shouted "OMG! Your disk is knackered"
The only actions I could see in the log were
/lost+found not found. Create? yes
/dev/sda3: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
I have also been running on a modified schedule for...
My box has the 4:30 boot disabled and comes on at 6:00am (to generate thumbnails). It turns itself off when finished.
I think on Tuesday it wasn't on long enough for empty_dustbin to run at 6:00am.
The next time the box came on was when it started a scheduled recording at 8:00pm.
The dustbin...
After a bit of digging I've made the following changes;
Commented out the empty_dustbin task from /mod/etc/anacrontab
Scheduled empty dustbin to run at 6:00am each day instead
I will see how it goes for a week and report back
I'm on the latest version of CF: 2.19.
I had thought the previous changes to process priorities had fixed the issue.
My HD mux shows 50% strength 100% quality which I thought should be plenty.
My picture break up on HD recordings seems to be coming back.
It hasn't been too bad for the past few months.
I realize it is probably reception/weather related but it seems suspicious that it is always within the first 5-10 minutes of a recording starting.
Looking at the last occurrence it...
I'm also getting errors from Auto-decrypt. Web if shows me lots of "auto decrypt failed" messages.
auto.log shows "file did not decrypt properly"
Manual decrypting these files seems to work fine. Is there any test I can run to help diagnose?
I was just wondering if there is any way to assess the recording quality.
I very occasionally get picture breakup on recordings (about 1 in 20). There are so many repeats of things these days it would be nice if there was some way to detect these breakups so I could re-record.
I expect this...
Saving/restoring the schedule and auto deleting the junk channels makes re-tuning much easier.
The only thing I remember having to do manually was re-ordering channels (I have the HD channels on 1-4).
Would it be possible to save/restore these settings too?
I have a series link for Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes on ITV London (not HD).
This is shown every Sat and Sun morning.
However my schedule shows only the Sun episode scheduled. Checking the WebIF EPG shows the Saturday episode highlighted in blue (which I assume means the series matches)...
I have made a few more changes to the script following prpr's feedback
Fixed the indenting (I think)
Check for required packages being installed
Don't process files in folders wrapped in square brackets
Reduce the priority to prevent affecting in-progress recordings
Added some comments
Only run...
Sorry about the readability. It's not a language (or environment) I'm familiar with either. This is the only Linux shell script I've written.
It seems the editors I've used have left me with a mix of tabs and spaces which look fine to me but didn't copy and paste correctly.
I could look at...
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