I was thinking more about the order of files still on USB rather than after they have been copies to humax. Let me know your thoughts. Maybe I could try a different format
I tried Exfat on my 1 TB USB SSD and Humax would not recognise it - so I use NTFS format
Copying from Humax to USB seems to take forever and the copy can only be played back on the Humax (special format)
Can I ask you 2 questions Poggs
1/ Does Humax sort your USB files into Alpha order - After...
I notice that external media videos don't resume PLAY from the recent menu????
It used to work fine prior to the update and I thought it used to work after the update albeit the shortcuts were created by the old software. So my question is simple
Anyone know whether resume play works with...
I have a 1 TB SSD USB Drive plugged directly in which used to work fine until the most recent update and then it started crashing whilst it was cataloguing
I removed all my Music media leaving only my Video files on it, and now it seems to work fine
So I can conclude that the Humax doesn't like...
Another issue with the new 4000 update is with the media player which I always used. Problem is it freezes whilst just cataloguing the video files. Sometimes it just catalogues the first 12 folders and works fine, then other times it will catalogue all folders then freeze solid so needs...
Already spotted this but
A/ It takes 45 minutes to navigate there on this e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y- s--l--o--w interface
B/ (and MOST important to me) This menu does not support series play making it totally redundant for resuming/following a series
Also noticed the whole new interface freezes after...
Just noticed the disaster of new software install where they have REMOVED THE RESUME MENU?????!!!!!?????!!!!
That was my go to menu to continue following a series.
Is there anyway to roll back the software to the old version????
....but they have REMOVED THE RESUME MENU....???????!!!!!!!????? Which means you can no longer watch things in series??????? This is a disaster for this box and the only way I can continue tutto use it if I roll back to the old menu
As much as a whooooooole day???
We'll that's an improvement on the 4000 which can only find the next 2 hours (2 films). TOTALLY REDUNDANT FEATURE
I actually wrote to humax and got some really lame excuse back
My casting works great now. I cast mainly from my Huawei Mate 7 phone also from my Huawei tablet and my Chromebook lappy. For some reason it won't cast from my wife's login on the same chromebook??? I'm wondering whether the 4000 gets attached to a limited number of devices?
I was thinking more about the order of files still on USB rather than after they have been copies to humax. Let me know your thoughts. Maybe I could try a different format
I tried Exfat on my 1 TB USB SSD and Humax would not recognise it - so I use NTFS format
Copying from Humax to USB seems to take forever and the copy can only be played back on the Humax (special format)
Can I ask you 2 questions Poggs
1/ Does Humax sort your USB files into Alpha order - After...
I notice that external media videos don't resume PLAY from the recent menu????
It used to work fine prior to the update and I thought it used to work after the update albeit the shortcuts were created by the old software. So my question is simple
Anyone know whether resume play works with...
I have a 1 TB SSD USB Drive plugged directly in which used to work fine until the most recent update and then it started crashing whilst it was cataloguing
I removed all my Music media leaving only my Video files on it, and now it seems to work fine
So I can conclude that the Humax doesn't like...
Another issue with the new 4000 update is with the media player which I always used. Problem is it freezes whilst just cataloguing the video files. Sometimes it just catalogues the first 12 folders and works fine, then other times it will catalogue all folders then freeze solid so needs...
Already spotted this but
A/ It takes 45 minutes to navigate there on this e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y- s--l--o--w interface
B/ (and MOST important to me) This menu does not support series play making it totally redundant for resuming/following a series
Also noticed the whole new interface freezes after...
Just noticed the disaster of new software install where they have REMOVED THE RESUME MENU?????!!!!!?????!!!!
That was my go to menu to continue following a series.
Is there anyway to roll back the software to the old version????
....but they have REMOVED THE RESUME MENU....???????!!!!!!!????? Which means you can no longer watch things in series??????? This is a disaster for this box and the only way I can continue tutto use it if I roll back to the old menu
As much as a whooooooole day???
We'll that's an improvement on the 4000 which can only find the next 2 hours (2 films). TOTALLY REDUNDANT FEATURE
I actually wrote to humax and got some really lame excuse back
My casting works great now. I cast mainly from my Huawei Mate 7 phone also from my Huawei tablet and my Chromebook lappy. For some reason it won't cast from my wife's login on the same chromebook??? I'm wondering whether the 4000 gets attached to a limited number of devices?
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