It crossed my mind that I'd like to replace BBC1 SD, and ITV SD with their HD counterparts.. is this something anyone else had done with no odd side effects (like messing up scheduled recordings)?
Jeez, how rubbish is that. You'd assume all equipment would be fine. There's a discussion about it on DigitalSpy from earlier this year.
Hmm, dunno if that's true.. the sign-up page doesn't seem to say it'd have problems as long as it's a Freeview+ box;
Those prices are so expensive for a channel or two. I guess they do that to make having Sky look attractive...
Worked well for me.. wasn't running the very latest WebIf, but it wasn't that out of date either. Everything seemed to restore fine.. I'll find out when it mis-records Dr Who ;-)
Saw this on The Register today..
Should be interesting to see if it just works without a firmware release from Humax. The content is likely to be complete rubbish, but it's always interesting to see what this box is capable of.
Odd. You could telnet to the box and try a few different sites using wget.. e.g.
However, I'm just trying right now and it's taking forever to return anything. Looks like it's a server issue.. maybe it's...
If anyone wants to alter the display of media so that the actual title of the program is displayed before the filename, then this is how to add it;
FTP to this folder: /mnt/hd2/mod/var/mongoose/cgi-bin/
Edit the file: browse.jim
At line 70, which reads puts "<img class=va border=0...
Ah, no.. I meant Windows Media Player. There is DNLA client functionailty in Media Centre, but when I tried it, it wasn't picking up the Humax. There's a video on YouTube with someone accessing their phone's DLNA server, so it must work;
Yeah, some options to scale the UI for larger TVs would have been nice. The EPG is just about right, although my eyes could handle a smaller font, and therefore more characters from the title.. better than just seeing blank, or ... for some kids programs! :-)
Tell me about it. It won't be possible without somehow modding the firmware :( Shame we can't customise the UI to the degree people could on the Toppy.
I'm at work so can't quickly check, but if the web interface doesn't allow easy renaming of the program title, then I'd like to add that as a feature request. The auto-filer script does a good job, but sometimes I want to override what it's renamed them to, plus other people might not be running...
When we have a more specific guide, the wiki is a good place to get it all transferred to. I started this page a while ago;
Indeed. Depends on your router.. the one from O2 works fine, but the BT Homehub that I have makes it impossible to access it via the external IP.. I end up having 2 bookmarks; one for external access, one for internal.
It crossed my mind that I'd like to replace BBC1 SD, and ITV SD with their HD counterparts.. is this something anyone else had done with no odd side effects (like messing up scheduled recordings)?
Jeez, how rubbish is that. You'd assume all equipment would be fine. There's a discussion about it on DigitalSpy from earlier this year.
Hmm, dunno if that's true.. the sign-up page doesn't seem to say it'd have problems as long as it's a Freeview+ box;
Those prices are so expensive for a channel or two. I guess they do that to make having Sky look attractive...
Worked well for me.. wasn't running the very latest WebIf, but it wasn't that out of date either. Everything seemed to restore fine.. I'll find out when it mis-records Dr Who ;-)
Saw this on The Register today..
Should be interesting to see if it just works without a firmware release from Humax. The content is likely to be complete rubbish, but it's always interesting to see what this box is capable of.
Odd. You could telnet to the box and try a few different sites using wget.. e.g.
However, I'm just trying right now and it's taking forever to return anything. Looks like it's a server issue.. maybe it's...
If anyone wants to alter the display of media so that the actual title of the program is displayed before the filename, then this is how to add it;
FTP to this folder: /mnt/hd2/mod/var/mongoose/cgi-bin/
Edit the file: browse.jim
At line 70, which reads puts "<img class=va border=0...
Ah, no.. I meant Windows Media Player. There is DNLA client functionailty in Media Centre, but when I tried it, it wasn't picking up the Humax. There's a video on YouTube with someone accessing their phone's DLNA server, so it must work;
Yeah, some options to scale the UI for larger TVs would have been nice. The EPG is just about right, although my eyes could handle a smaller font, and therefore more characters from the title.. better than just seeing blank, or ... for some kids programs! :-)
Tell me about it. It won't be possible without somehow modding the firmware :( Shame we can't customise the UI to the degree people could on the Toppy.
I'm at work so can't quickly check, but if the web interface doesn't allow easy renaming of the program title, then I'd like to add that as a feature request. The auto-filer script does a good job, but sometimes I want to override what it's renamed them to, plus other people might not be running...
When we have a more specific guide, the wiki is a good place to get it all transferred to. I started this page a while ago;
Indeed. Depends on your router.. the one from O2 works fine, but the BT Homehub that I have makes it impossible to access it via the external IP.. I end up having 2 bookmarks; one for external access, one for internal.
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