It's the laser output and it's on whenever the box is switched on i.e. not in standby . The sprung cover on the socket is pushed back by insertion of the plug but the red laser is visible around the edges of the cover before insertion.
Edit: Says on DS it's not a laser but an LED
Just checked mine........that doesn't work either! Checked BBC SD channels & BBC HD channels......nothing . Switch to the TV's tuner everything is OK! :(
Edit: Tried again using the Humax, BBC SD channels seem to take a couple of minutes before text is available. I tried waiting a few...
If it's any consolation my HDR T2 (1TB) does a similar thing, i.e. if I switch the box out of standby when it's recording, select HDMI on our Sony KDL-W40A12U...nothing, just a black screen. The box is on, i.e the display is lit up, but no picture. It's fortunate that I have a 'Neet' HDMI...
I have a 5 year old SonyKDL-W40A12U and an HDR Fox T2 (1TB) which was purchased in November 2010.
There is only one HDMI socket on the TV so I purchased a Neet HDMI switcher with four inputs via Amazon. This
came with a credit card size remote control to switch between the inputs if necessary...
I've noticed with all three of the Humax boxes I've owned (8000, 9300 & HDR Fox T2) that the sound level is always lower than that of my Sony TV. I have always run the Humax volume levels flat out and adjusted the TV volume up & down with the TV remote. The quality of sound on the HDR Fox T2 is...
I've had two HDR Fox T2 1TB boxes since late Nov '10 (one returned faulty). Both boxes have been used extensively but I've not seen anything like this at all (yet!).
My HDR Fox T2 does not do it. When pressing the the exit button if playing back a recording and when recording 2 other channels, the box reverts to the 'video' screen with the list of recorded programmes. The on going two recordings continue. I hope this makes sense!
I have a HDR-Fox- T2, it's hooked up to my surround sound via optical connection so that, when it's broadcast, I get the full Dolby Digital effect. I've had this box since just after Christmas as a replacement for another HDR-Fox- T2 which failed (that's another story!)
I've noticed that with...
It's the laser output and it's on whenever the box is switched on i.e. not in standby . The sprung cover on the socket is pushed back by insertion of the plug but the red laser is visible around the edges of the cover before insertion.
Edit: Says on DS it's not a laser but an LED
Just checked mine........that doesn't work either! Checked BBC SD channels & BBC HD channels......nothing . Switch to the TV's tuner everything is OK! :(
Edit: Tried again using the Humax, BBC SD channels seem to take a couple of minutes before text is available. I tried waiting a few...
If it's any consolation my HDR T2 (1TB) does a similar thing, i.e. if I switch the box out of standby when it's recording, select HDMI on our Sony KDL-W40A12U...nothing, just a black screen. The box is on, i.e the display is lit up, but no picture. It's fortunate that I have a 'Neet' HDMI...
I have a 5 year old SonyKDL-W40A12U and an HDR Fox T2 (1TB) which was purchased in November 2010.
There is only one HDMI socket on the TV so I purchased a Neet HDMI switcher with four inputs via Amazon. This
came with a credit card size remote control to switch between the inputs if necessary...
I've noticed with all three of the Humax boxes I've owned (8000, 9300 & HDR Fox T2) that the sound level is always lower than that of my Sony TV. I have always run the Humax volume levels flat out and adjusted the TV volume up & down with the TV remote. The quality of sound on the HDR Fox T2 is...
I've had two HDR Fox T2 1TB boxes since late Nov '10 (one returned faulty). Both boxes have been used extensively but I've not seen anything like this at all (yet!).
My HDR Fox T2 does not do it. When pressing the the exit button if playing back a recording and when recording 2 other channels, the box reverts to the 'video' screen with the list of recorded programmes. The on going two recordings continue. I hope this makes sense!
I have a HDR-Fox- T2, it's hooked up to my surround sound via optical connection so that, when it's broadcast, I get the full Dolby Digital effect. I've had this box since just after Christmas as a replacement for another HDR-Fox- T2 which failed (that's another story!)
I've noticed that with...
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