Three returns in last few months.
63710558000123 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - Disk stutter and very loud disk noise (above noise of TV)
63710557400083 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - When warm, goes into reboot cycle (when disk accessed?)
63710579100027 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - Random box lock ups, recording stutter and...
jack616 - I returned a box a few weeks ago to Humax because the signal kept bouncing around up and down 10-80% whereas my other one was stable. The signal instability kept resulting in lock ups and picture break up. If you want to post or PM me the last few digits of your serial I can confirm...
Latest replacement box has arrived with 1.03.11 FW. It has a brand new 1tb AF Seagate Pipeline ST1000VM002 disk (correctly aligned according to the 4kalign tool! ). It is whisper quiet and doesn't keep rebooting or locking up. Fingers crossed that Ive got one that works now.:)
I was going to...
Do you have auto shrink enabled? I was having lots of disk noises and what seemed like constant disk activity until I turned off recursive auto-shrink. No problems since and Im not too worried about the 10% extra disk space that can be gained.
I found the discussion here and here really useful when setting up my 2x HDR and 1HD to view all content on all devices.
The HD can see the content of both HDRs and the two HDRs can see each other. Black Hole's post 472 in this thread fixed it for me and all machines show up as USB drives...
I wonder whether Humax are struggling to find good replacement units. I'm on my third replacement in as many weeks. All arrive in the white box with no controls etc for a swap. First kept freezing and locking up needing to be switched off and on again by the switch, second had a very loose...
hdparm looks a bit drastic! all running ok at the moment and no new reallocated sectors - 12 months warranty left so I'll just keep an eye on it until it starts to cause problems - thanks for the speedy responses!
I guess without the custom firmware I wouldn't have known - although there was some picture break up on one of last nights recording (stuttering etc).
It passes the HDD test (the one in the normal Humax menu)....af123 - what would make it fail?
Its a 1gb drive - Seagate Pipeline 5900.2. Power on hours are 4069.
Output from Hard Disk diagnostic is:
IDNameFlagsRaw ValueValueWorstThreshTypeUpdatedWhen Failed
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-- 12826918 107 099 006 Pre-fail Always -
3 Spin_Up_Time PO---- 0 095 093 000 Pre-fail Always -
I just received a newly refurbished FOX HDR T2 from Humax Direct and when I installed the custom firmware this warning was waiting for me.....should I be concerned???? Should it go back?
There appear to be some hardware problems with the internal hard disk on this device...
Has anyone got NFS share working with the latest Apple OS, Mavericks? Ive installed NFS UTILS, PORTMAP and VIRTUAL DISK on the humax HDR, modified the exports file which now looks similar to the one posted by af123.
Found the problem with the £6 dongle - it wasn't the dongle in fact, it was my Netgear Router. The HDR Fox T2 couldn't see any networks configured on it. I tried setting up the network with an old Apple Airport Extreme and the dongle found the network immediately. Configured OK, however reported...
Just bought a cheap dongle from ebay that was advertised as RT3070 chipset - "works with media boxes". It was only £6 so worth a gamble. The box recognises it so the WIFI menu is shown but no combination of Network /password (even simplified) seems to work. Output from the humax# cat...
I have just purchased a graded HD from Humax Direct and it also has the 1.02.32 firmware. Is there a way of copying it before I overwrite it with the latest CF? Is anyone interested in taking a look at it? Let me know.
Forcing a reinstall of webif worked. I left the usb with the modified firmware in the box last week on start up and overwrote the firmware again by mistake. :oops: I wonder if this is why webif stopped working. Problem fixed anyway - thanks again.
prpr: tried using a telnet session via...
Three returns in last few months.
63710558000123 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - Disk stutter and very loud disk noise (above noise of TV)
63710557400083 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - When warm, goes into reboot cycle (when disk accessed?)
63710579100027 - HDR FOX T2 1TB - Random box lock ups, recording stutter and...
jack616 - I returned a box a few weeks ago to Humax because the signal kept bouncing around up and down 10-80% whereas my other one was stable. The signal instability kept resulting in lock ups and picture break up. If you want to post or PM me the last few digits of your serial I can confirm...
Latest replacement box has arrived with 1.03.11 FW. It has a brand new 1tb AF Seagate Pipeline ST1000VM002 disk (correctly aligned according to the 4kalign tool! ). It is whisper quiet and doesn't keep rebooting or locking up. Fingers crossed that Ive got one that works now.:)
I was going to...
Do you have auto shrink enabled? I was having lots of disk noises and what seemed like constant disk activity until I turned off recursive auto-shrink. No problems since and Im not too worried about the 10% extra disk space that can be gained.
I found the discussion here and here really useful when setting up my 2x HDR and 1HD to view all content on all devices.
The HD can see the content of both HDRs and the two HDRs can see each other. Black Hole's post 472 in this thread fixed it for me and all machines show up as USB drives...
I wonder whether Humax are struggling to find good replacement units. I'm on my third replacement in as many weeks. All arrive in the white box with no controls etc for a swap. First kept freezing and locking up needing to be switched off and on again by the switch, second had a very loose...
hdparm looks a bit drastic! all running ok at the moment and no new reallocated sectors - 12 months warranty left so I'll just keep an eye on it until it starts to cause problems - thanks for the speedy responses!
I guess without the custom firmware I wouldn't have known - although there was some picture break up on one of last nights recording (stuttering etc).
It passes the HDD test (the one in the normal Humax menu)....af123 - what would make it fail?
Its a 1gb drive - Seagate Pipeline 5900.2. Power on hours are 4069.
Output from Hard Disk diagnostic is:
IDNameFlagsRaw ValueValueWorstThreshTypeUpdatedWhen Failed
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-- 12826918 107 099 006 Pre-fail Always -
3 Spin_Up_Time PO---- 0 095 093 000 Pre-fail Always -
I just received a newly refurbished FOX HDR T2 from Humax Direct and when I installed the custom firmware this warning was waiting for me.....should I be concerned???? Should it go back?
There appear to be some hardware problems with the internal hard disk on this device...
Has anyone got NFS share working with the latest Apple OS, Mavericks? Ive installed NFS UTILS, PORTMAP and VIRTUAL DISK on the humax HDR, modified the exports file which now looks similar to the one posted by af123.
Found the problem with the £6 dongle - it wasn't the dongle in fact, it was my Netgear Router. The HDR Fox T2 couldn't see any networks configured on it. I tried setting up the network with an old Apple Airport Extreme and the dongle found the network immediately. Configured OK, however reported...
Just bought a cheap dongle from ebay that was advertised as RT3070 chipset - "works with media boxes". It was only £6 so worth a gamble. The box recognises it so the WIFI menu is shown but no combination of Network /password (even simplified) seems to work. Output from the humax# cat...
I have just purchased a graded HD from Humax Direct and it also has the 1.02.32 firmware. Is there a way of copying it before I overwrite it with the latest CF? Is anyone interested in taking a look at it? Let me know.
Forcing a reinstall of webif worked. I left the usb with the modified firmware in the box last week on start up and overwrote the firmware again by mistake. :oops: I wonder if this is why webif stopped working. Problem fixed anyway - thanks again.
prpr: tried using a telnet session via...
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