• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

hdr - fox t2

  1. R

    external USB transfer speed

    Hi All, What speed transfers do people mostly get when transferring files to and from an external HDD / USB stick using the front USB on their HDR? I've just clocked mine and it seems to be only 2Mb/s which is very slow indeed. It's faster for me to use my wifi and ftp out the files it seems...
  2. P

    HDR-FOX T2 Reset on startup?

    Hi, This morning, I switch on my Humax box, from standby, and it looks to have been system reset, going through the first time power on tuning, a language setting, region settings etc, and it reset things in preferences to default. I'm not sure why it did this, any ideas? Does the HDR-Fox...
  3. B

    [Solved] Streaming PVR to tv via fire stick - the content never stops

    Complete random question.. I watch the content of the HDR FOX T2 with custom firmware on my Panasonic tv via a fire stick using the VIMU media viewer app (the only one I got to work with the .TS files). when I stop playing content, the PVR still thinks it’s playing and I can sometimes see...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Looping through start-up / custom firmware / startup

    Hi All, apologies for reaching out to you but I’ve come to the end of my abologies. I have a HDR-fox T2, I swapped the Hdd to a 2TB HDD an age ago with no issues and it’s running custom wear After many years of happy service, when I boot it, it cycles through Start-up / custom firmware. I...
  5. T

    Humax HDR FOX T2 and SSD - Confirmed working!

    Hi all, Just a note to say I've successfully installed a 1TB Samsung Evo 860 SSD into an HDR T2. It works perfectly. Reason for doing this is I bought the Hummy from ebay, but it came with a Seagate Barracuda drive (!!) which was far too noisy for my liking, plus I've been toying with the idea...
  6. M

    Hello - New to the HDR-FOX T2 Freeview

    Hi all, big question here.. I've just ordered my first ever HDR-FOX T2 from ebay... I considered buying one of these for a long time.. One of main reasons for purchasing is I want to record Freeview HD and keep it an play it elsewhere... What Firmware and What utlitilies do I need to...
  7. M

    Plex nvidia shield and .TS problems, question about container?

    I was wondering if anyone can help or experience with this?
  8. Ross

    Dedup is stripping the titles of my films

    [originally misposted in the FOXSAT forum, because I'm tired and stupid] Hi. I wonder if anyone can help with the following mystery. I have sweeper installed with the following rules: # Remove New_ prefix. recurse 1 filename New_* action {renamefile {%orig%regsub,New_\s*,,}} # Remove New...
  9. L

    Hard drive possibly dead

    My machine became very slow and unresponsive recently and today I received an email from the Hummypkg Remote Scheduling app to say that the hard disk had errors. I managed to log in to Webif and run a diagnostic on the hard disk. There's a screenshot on the link below...
  10. L

    Is the HDR-FOX T2 right for me?

    At present I am viewing SD courtesy of TalkTalk through their Huawei HG633 router and recording on the Huawei DN372T connected to my old CRT telly by Scart. The telly has a spare Scart. I am happy with this apart from having run out of storage on the box and I also possibly would like to back...
  11. I

    Decrypting High def

    Hi I`m having a head scratching moment.... My goal is to stream by DLNA to my android tablet (or iphone or pc) all my recordings on my HDR-fox t2. So far I have - 1) successfully installed the custom firmware to my humax 2) successfully installed the web-if 3) downloaded the package...
  12. R

    DLNA display more than just the name

    Hi All, Is there a way, via the normal DLNA server my Humax HDR Fox T2 offers or Mediatomb to display more than just the name (that I presume if from some sort of metadata stored in the file header). For instance I record programs from the radio but when navigating through the Audio section of...
  13. S

    problem with my HDR - Fox T2 seeing the Modified Firmware

    I am having known problems '* Deleting' message permanently and I want to use the Fix Disk Utility built into Custom Firmware 2.12. I have followed the instruction, they are not complicated, but having problem with my HDR - Fox T2 seeing the Modified Firmware file "DR_FOX_T2_Upgrade.hdf"...