hdr - fox t2

  1. R

    external USB transfer speed

    Hi All, What speed transfers do people mostly get when transferring files to and from an external HDD / USB stick using the front USB on their HDR? I've just clocked mine and it seems to be only 2Mb/s which is very slow indeed. It's faster for me to use my wifi and ftp out the files it seems...
  2. P

    HDR-FOX T2 Reset on startup?

    Hi, This morning, I switch on my Humax box, from standby, and it looks to have been system reset, going through the first time power on tuning, a language setting, region settings etc, and it reset things in preferences to default. I'm not sure why it did this, any ideas? Does the HDR-Fox...
  3. B

    [Solved] Streaming PVR to tv via fire stick - the content never stops

    Complete random question.. I watch the content of the HDR FOX T2 with custom firmware on my Panasonic tv via a fire stick using the VIMU media viewer app (the only one I got to work with the .TS files). when I stop playing content, the PVR still thinks it’s playing and I can sometimes see...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Looping through start-up / custom firmware / startup

    Hi All, apologies for reaching out to you but I’ve come to the end of my abologies. I have a HDR-fox T2, I swapped the Hdd to a 2TB HDD an age ago with no issues and it’s running custom wear After many years of happy service, when I boot it, it cycles through Start-up / custom firmware. I...
  5. T

    Humax HDR FOX T2 and SSD - Confirmed working!

    Hi all, Just a note to say I've successfully installed a 1TB Samsung Evo 860 SSD into an HDR T2. It works perfectly. Reason for doing this is I bought the Hummy from ebay, but it came with a Seagate Barracuda drive (!!) which was far too noisy for my liking, plus I've been toying with the idea...
  6. M

    Hello - New to the HDR-FOX T2 Freeview

    Hi all, big question here.. I've just ordered my first ever HDR-FOX T2 from ebay... I considered buying one of these for a long time.. One of main reasons for purchasing is I want to record Freeview HD and keep it an play it elsewhere... What Firmware and What utlitilies do I need to...
  7. M

    Plex nvidia shield and .TS problems, question about container?

    I was wondering if anyone can help or experience with this?
  8. Ross

    Dedup is stripping the titles of my films

    [originally misposted in the FOXSAT forum, because I'm tired and stupid] Hi. I wonder if anyone can help with the following mystery. I have sweeper installed with the following rules: # Remove New_ prefix. recurse 1 filename New_* action {renamefile {%orig%regsub,New_\s*,,}} # Remove New...
  9. L

    Hard drive possibly dead

    My machine became very slow and unresponsive recently and today I received an email from the Hummypkg Remote Scheduling app to say that the hard disk had errors. I managed to log in to Webif and run a diagnostic on the hard disk. There's a screenshot on the link below...
  10. L

    Is the HDR-FOX T2 right for me?

    At present I am viewing SD courtesy of TalkTalk through their Huawei HG633 router and recording on the Huawei DN372T connected to my old CRT telly by Scart. The telly has a spare Scart. I am happy with this apart from having run out of storage on the box and I also possibly would like to back...
  11. I

    Decrypting High def

    Hi I`m having a head scratching moment.... My goal is to stream by DLNA to my android tablet (or iphone or pc) all my recordings on my HDR-fox t2. So far I have - 1) successfully installed the custom firmware to my humax 2) successfully installed the web-if 3) downloaded the package...
  12. R

    DLNA display more than just the name

    Hi All, Is there a way, via the normal DLNA server my Humax HDR Fox T2 offers or Mediatomb to display more than just the name (that I presume if from some sort of metadata stored in the file header). For instance I record programs from the radio but when navigating through the Audio section of...
  13. S

    problem with my HDR - Fox T2 seeing the Modified Firmware

    I am having known problems '* Deleting' message permanently and I want to use the Fix Disk Utility built into Custom Firmware 2.12. I have followed the instruction, they are not complicated, but having problem with my HDR - Fox T2 seeing the Modified Firmware file "DR_FOX_T2_Upgrade.hdf"...