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2000T crashes using BBC Sport app


New Member
Within a few minutes, sometimes almost immediately, the picture freezes, the whole box crashes, and then reboots, as if just taken out of standby. 4 times in a row yesterday as I attempted to watch the snooker this occurred before I just went onto the red button instead.

No problem with the BBC iPlayer or Youtube, just the sport app. Very disappointed. I did try pulling the plug entirely after the 3rd crash even though the box was completely rebooting each time just in case it might help - it didn’t.

Is this a known bug or specific to my machine?

I’m plugged in via an ethernet cable (not that it should matter as the other apps work fine) and have the latest firmware update installed. Internet access is fast and stable.
Makes sense. Would be good for someone to try theirs and see what happens - 10 minutes should be more than enough.

I have sent something to Humax. Will post their reply when I get it.
Thanks for that Luke. Confirms what has been suspected. I assume watching the highlights would be similar to watching them through the iPlayer, and there is no issue with that, so the problem seems to be processing the live feed.

I find it hard to believe that it's just our 2 boxes, and so you would think Humax would be aware of this. No word from them yet. Might help if others send them feedback too.
It could be something that has changed at the BBC end, Humax won't necessarily know about it.
Humax say this:

Thank you for contacting Humax Support.

Sorry to hear you're having issues with the unit. Our unit in the office is connected by ethernet and on the latest software and it appears to be working fine, and this is the first time I've heard of this issue. As a starting point, try resetting the unit to reload and re-install all applications please.

Please find the instructions below to reset your box.

Please NOTE: System settings such as screen ratio will be reset, if you have a recorder then the Schedule will be deleted but recorded programmes will be saved,

• Press MENU on the remote,
• Using the directional buttons move and select Settings,
• Select installation,
• Enter your Password (Default is “0000”)
• Choose Factory Default with the OK button
• Select ‘YES’
• Enter your Password (Default is “0000”)
• The unit will restart, please allow up to a minute for this to happen,
• Please choose your preferred language,
• Please adjust any display settings as necessary and then choose NEXT,
• Allow the automatic search to finish and Save the results,
• Apply any network settings if needed – Only applies to those with Ethernet cable connected, Then choose NEXT,
• Please check the settings and choose FINISH,

Try using the application now, and let me know how you get on.
It does. I had a feeling they'd suggest this. It's not losing the schedule that bothers me in trying it, it's having to set up favourites and reorder everything again, and after having had the box innocently pop up with a suggestion to search for new channels, choosing 'yes' and wondering what they might be, only to find nothing interesting, but in doing so everything got reset, I decided I had more than enough channels anyway and wouldn't intentionally go through that ever again. I may resist a little longer before steeling myself to try it. Or just use the red button! :whistling:
The last time I did a factory reset on my HDR-2000t was 8 days ago.

Did you make it very obvious in your email to Humax (this has never been reported before) Support that it was on the live streaming of the Sport app that the issue occurs?
Good point. No, I didn't. But I will!

Humax replied:

After further investigation, my manager has confirmed he has heard of a live stream issue on the application. I still recommend that you try resetting the unit to re-install the applications, and test it then while we conduct further tests on our end.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I then explained that you had done that a few days ago so it was unlikely doing so would change anything. Let's see what happens.
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