500 Internal Server Error

I was just doing an update of one of the packages when things went tits up. I am not sure what happened exactly but now I can no longer connect to the T2 via the web browser.

The only other symptom was all the channels were lost and a manual scan couldn't find the normal channels from Waltham, how bizarre. A full automatic scan has returned all the channels. TG.

I have tried a hard reboot.

What should I try next? Should I just try and reinstall the CF or do a factory reset first? Does a factory reset lose my current recordings?

Can you get in via Telnet?
If so, run the fixweb option.
No to the others.
Does a factory reset lose my current recordings?
Why do people keep asking this? It's not like their HDR-FOX is new on the block. A restore factory defaults operation will only erase your recordings if you say yes to a disk reformat (so, obviously, say "no").

But there's more to a factory reset (whether triggered manually or initiated at random by the system - which may be a symptom of corrupted data): https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/is-there-a-good-time-to-retune.7624/post-103888

The only other symptom was all the channels were lost
Odd. That would usually suggest it had gone into a "random factory reset", but if you didn't get the setup wizard on-screen it wasn't that. Some kind of corruption of the tuning database file maybe.

Users need to be alert to this kind of thing. Just the occasional random event can be dismissed as "just one of those things", but as our HDR-FOXes get old the internal components could be degrading out-of-spec, and unreliable NV storage might well be one of the symptoms.
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Can you get in via Telnet?
If so, run the fixweb option.
No to the others.
Thanks. I ran fixweb. The only error was
file_md5sum_alloc: Failed to open file /mod/webif/html/favicon.ico: No such file or directory.
but otherwise that seems to have fix it.

The only thing now is I cannot find the backups for the EPG. I would like to do a restore after the retune.