Tuning with the 5000T should not be a problem, my 5000T which is almost 4 years old has never had an issue with tuning.
I tend to use manual tuning for best results so I know the box is getting the strongest signal from a certain transmitter
and not picking up weaker signals from another transmitter which auto tuning can do.
Click on the link below,
If you're an industry professional, use this tool to check local DTT transmitter coverage and UHF channel allocation for an address.
Enter your postcode and house number and press check.
This will list the nearest transmitters and show them in order of signal strength.
The table of Channels/ Multiplexes (mux) which carry the various TV channels will be shown.
Under the letter N you will see the number of the multiplex (mux).
Note that the BBC B and Com 7 mux carry the HD channels, all others are SD.
On the 5000T press the Freeview button on the remote control, go to Settings> Channel Settings> Manual Channel Search.
Click on Channel and select the number of a mux that your transmitter broadcasts.
After selecting a channel/ mux number the Signal and Quality meters populate.
For SD broadcasts Transmission should be set to DVB-T
For HD broadcasts Transmission should be set to DVB-T2.
Mux 40 from my transmitter carries the main HD channels, if Transmission is left at DVB-T the Signal and Quality meters
are empty, switch to DVB-T2 and they will fill and can now perform the search for that particular mux.
For each mux press Search and once the 5000T has completed its search of that individual mux press Save and go to the next mux and so forth.
The 5000T that I have at the moment has worked well for the 3.5 years I have had it. I did have to return the first one I had as it was running viciously hot,
so hot that you couldn’t really touch it. It was exchanged without fuss by John Lewis for the one I have now.
Things to look out for, slow response times to remote control commands.
Switching channels can seem to take a long time, enter the channel number you want and then press the OK button, this forces the 5000T to change slightly quicker.
Over time you may note the remote control gets less responsive to your inputs and firmer presses are needed to get any response.
Some have found that opening the remote and giving it a clean helps, do not do this while the box is under warranty.
The 5000T is noisy, this is the HDD and is normal.
It may be that later models of the 5000T have had these issues ironed out and yours won’t have these issues.
I also have the latest Humax, the Aura. The Aura was announced in 2020, launched in Nov 2020.
It all sounded so good, I was interested, I waited till March 2021 before I bought one.
I was aware at the time that many early purchasers were having significant problems with it, but I thought by waiting till March
Humax would have got a handle on the situation(s).
The first and main issue was tuning, the Aura would find channels no problem but the signal and quality were not comparable with the 5000T
or my Sony TVs own tuning. The Aura was unstable with heavy pixellation and drop outs this was a major issue for many people.
I contacted Humax asking if the Aura had been fitted with less sensitive tuners, the response was, as the Aura has three tuners,
each splits the signal and therefore reduces the quality of the screen image. At that point I had not informed them I already have a 5000T
which has three tuners but does not suffer the poor performance of the Aura, this does not explain why the TV which on the RF loop of the
Aura does not suffer such signal problems even though it is the fourth tuner down the line.
After reading Humax’s laughable response I wrote back saying I have a 5000T which has three tuners but does not suffer in the way
the Aura does, I never heard from Humax again.
Things were improved in the following months by firmware updates but the tuners signal still fluctuates more than the 5000T tuners ever have.
Many people had their Auras replaced, and report that the newer boxes do not suffer the same tuning problems.
Other problems have been reported with the Aura, if you are interested you can read the Aura forum here or on MyHumax.org.
There are forums for the various Humax recorders.
After a lot of beta testing of software there was a big update in August 2021 which fixed a lot of the problems.
So my Aura is working quite well, occasionally now it will drop signal, whereas the TV and the 5000T don’t.
Every so often you can be watching something and then the Aura will give out a little squeal and decide it is
time to shut down and reboot, something that others are reporting more frequently.
Unfortunately nothing has been heard from Humax of late and no further information regarding updates have been
forthcoming, we wait and see.
My own personal thought about the tuner situation with the Aura is the HDMI output is next to the RF output
which causes the interference. (The HDMI output on the 5000T is kept away from the aerial sockets).
I now make sure that the HDMI cable from the Aura is kept away from the aerial cables until it connects to the Aura.
After trying different HDMI cables I now use one that has heavier screening, so all good on that front now.
All aerial cables in and out are Webro WF100.
The WF100 goes into the Aura, output is WF100 to the 5000T and then WF100 to the Sony TV.
Signal to the 5000T and TV are stable, the Aura on some muxes is less stable, but does not
affect viewing. HDMI cables go to an AV receiver and then to the TV HDMI arc input.
One last thing, if you click on Settings> Channel Settings> Signal Test
and see only one tuner with a reading that is perfectly normal if you are only viewing one channel and not
recording anything else.
The other tuners will come into play when you are recording programmes that are on other muxes.
If you are watching BBC1 HD and recording CH4 HD only one tuner is used as these are both broadcast
on the same mux.
If you are watching BBC1 HD and recording something on Dave two tuners will be used and the
Signal Test will reflect that.
Good luck with your 5000T and getting the tuning sorted.
If the tuning problems persist you may have to get Currys to give you a replacement 5000T
as tuning should not be an issue.