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I've mentioned before that dumped Sky+ boxes will usually have a perfectly good Seagate 500GB drive in them, same model as used in the HDR, albeit with a high power on time of sometimes >2000 days. I've got a stack of them here plus a 250GB one that I must do something about and every one passed Seagate's Seatools long test OK.
The other day a slightly different black-fronted Sky box came my way with "2TB" on the front. Inside was a WD20EURX drive with 740 days and currently with a 55 PoC, 10 of which will have happened while I've had it. I've now got to decide what to do with it.
The other day a slightly different black-fronted Sky box came my way with "2TB" on the front. Inside was a WD20EURX drive with 740 days and currently with a 55 PoC, 10 of which will have happened while I've had it. I've now got to decide what to do with it.