New Member
Hi All, got an issue with drive space since I upgraded my foxsat-hdr to the latest custom firmware. Whenever I delete video and gain free drive space, it gets gobbled up by something running on the box, so I have literally no drive space left at all and the capacity is 100%. I deleted over 20GB the other day and this was gone again instantly despite me not recording anything else to the box! I was wondering if this is due to the Twonky media server running, does this use up all drive space unless you limit it (I haven't looked to see if there is a restriction on how much drive space it can use)? Or could it be due to the custom firmware or custom apps not liking me completely powered off the foxsat-hdr overnight? Generally I switch off completely overnight if I don't need to use it to save on the electric bill. There also seems to be a big discrepancy between the HD space used at the top of the web config page and the actual size of all the video currently on the drive (I manually calculated the video and it was over 20GB less than the stated total video used at the top of the page!). I've got a 1TB drive and I'm running custom firmware v4.1.2. I've now disabled all services on the box other than Samba, Mongoose and telnet to try and prevent all free drive space being eaten up. Any advice would be appreciated, Cheers!