Well-Known Member
I was aware of the CFW for a long time before I installed it, getting by by using Foxy and FTP for quite a while before taking the plunge. I was, with hindsight, overly cautious. Most of my boxes are out of warranty now so it is not an issue. I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem when returning a faulty box with CFW on it? Realistically if the box were quite new and were bought from a high street retailer they would just swap it. If it were older but in warranty, it might be sent off for repair, but with or without using the removal tools on offer (RMA), would the repairer even notice, or care if they did? I am half tempted to buy a new 'RE' box from Humax Direct, try and brick the tuner by downgrading to 1.02.32 and then install 1.02.32/ CFW 2.19 and send it back to see what happens!
Humax must be aware of the CFW and if anything it will have given them ideas for future products and will have increased their sales: how many posters here have more boxes than they need? I know I do. Perhaps we should have a poll? Would Brian even win?
Humax must be aware of the CFW and if anything it will have given them ideas for future products and will have increased their sales: how many posters here have more boxes than they need? I know I do. Perhaps we should have a poll? Would Brian even win?