• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

Anyone have time to test something ?


If someone has time and the resources to try something I'd appreciate it.

1. With a box installed with FW 1.3.xx - no WiFi configured
2. set file sharing on
3. Internet settings - Configure IP - Manual
4. IP address
5 Netmask
6. Gateway
7. DNS - same as gateway or other - doesnt seem to matter
8 Plug in ethernet cable to router - (router disconnected from internet is best)
9. Click apply on Humax and wait for connection
10. Press exit on humax remote
11. confirm humax files can be played across ethernet cable and out of the router (router wifi maybe)
12 Put the humax in standby from the remote control
13 When sleeping disconnect power at wall or switch off at the back of the box
14 disconnect ethernet cable
15 Leave to go cold for 5-10 minutes at least
16 switch on
17 bring out of standby and immediately select channel 85 and watch for 10 minutes
18 Report here what happens if anything

My guess is that this procedure unlocks an Easter egg. A shirtless Vladimir Putin will appear on horseback with a large rifle slung over his shoulder and teach the fundamentals of bear hunting. Either that or a 'native American' and a traffic cop etc. will turn up too and they'll all start performing YMCA.
17 bring out of standby and immediately select channel 85 and watch for 10 minutes
18 Report here what happens if anything
I had to modify the steps by starting off by retuning into the ArqB mux so that I could later select Russia Today.

To answer the question in step 18, according to Russia Today, what was happening was:
  • Orthodox Jews clash with police over conscription plans.
  • Putin warns EU gas supplies could falter due to Ukraine's debt.
  • Seven injured as pro and anti government protesters clash in Odessa Ukraine.
  • UN approves peace keeper force to calm down sectarian violence in Central African Republic.
... not very helpful.
I actioned the list.
If it was something out of the ordinary TV reception wise that happened but I failed to notice then you will need to give me a bit more of clue so that I can more easily spot it.
A shirtless Vladimir Putin will appear on horseback with a large rifle slung over his shoulder and teach the fundamentals of bear hunting.

Nah, that's just the normal news. :disagree:

Is the answer that it cracks openSSH?
The TV explodes?
You get two devices on your LAN with the same IP address?
Luke takes Russian citizenship?
Trev's head turns upside down, so he has a white hat and dark beard?
A Party Political Broadcast appears for UKIP?

Now I am just guessing. I couldn't execute step 13 because I was sleeping...