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Apprentice on bbconehd not showing up in humax epg

It turns out that my box recorded 2 mins and then stopped. managed to catch it and record it live but because the epg had no info it records now for two hrs.
iPlayer for main prog. T2 for Your'e Fired did the trick for me. It crashed just after a Web i/f and a couple of other updates at 20:48.
Then it seems both our machines were hampered by the same thing. Are you saying it's a custom software problem?
What I AM saying is that after I restarted my box from the crash as about 21:15 I got the update big red screen to acknowledge. This (or something else that I can't remember what)stated that updates had been done at 20:48. I had checked the reservations prior to that when the box was in the 15 min pre recording period so must have been after 20:45.
[TD]28/11/2019 08:35:20 - System booted (Remote control handset).[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 22:31:27 - Recorded: The Apprentice_ You're Fired/The Apprentice: You're Fired (30 minutes - BBC TWO HD)[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 21:17:23 - System booted (Remote control handset).[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 21:01:35 - Recorded: The Apprentice/The Apprentice (1 minutes - BBC ONE HD)[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 20:48:39 - Automatically upgraded package webif from 1.4.6 to 1.4.7[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 20:47:56 - Automatically upgraded package openssl from 1.1.1.b-1 to 1.1.1.d-1[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 20:47:39 - Automatically upgraded package jim from 0.78-1 to 0.79 (Fix clock method)[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 20:45:26 - Automatically upgraded package tunefix-update from 1.0.88 to 1.0.89[/TD]
[TD]27/11/2019 20:42:37 - System booted (Scheduled event).[/TD]
So the last thing before the crash was entry 2022 at 21:01:35 having recorded about 1 min of The Apprentice scheduled recording. The reboot at entry 2023 was me restarting the box when I had realised that it had crashed because it wasn't recording.

So it appears that both mihaid and my boxes both crashed about 1 min into the recording, so has this got anything to do with the update or not? I suspect not, but it's a hell of a co-incidence that two boxes crashed at pretty much exactly at the same time. Could it have been anything to do with the broadcast? I would have thought a bunch of complaints would have ensued.
mihaid didn't say he had to reboot, which would have been an obvious thing to report. In fact, he said the entry was not showing in the EPG - which is not what you said. That you both failed to record the same programme is the only point of commonality, the reasons for the failures are completely different and therefore most likely a pure coincidence.

Your HDR crashed shortly after a package update. None of mine did, therefore, again, a coincidence.

mihaid's dodgy EPG hasn't been confirmed as systematic by anyone else, and we know the on-box EPG can have its moments of its own accord, so again nothing to see here.

Coincidences happen. One cannot conclude a causal link on the evidence of one coincidence.
So bh^s coincidence is dead. Even without this latest hairy post i thought there was some connection between mine and trev.

NOW, could these updates not happen say 4 am when nobody records anything?
I should make clear that I use AR, so I had assumed that the recording stopped because the box had received a programme stop code (or whatever it uses to know that a programme has finished).
I use ar as well. There were some funny things happening on BBC last night. One other program recorded 45 min instead of 30, and another still recorded something different in a series folder
And of course so do I.
Thinking about it, I'm not 100% sure that mine crashed either. I can't remember having to get up and toggle the switch on the back, neither does the crash log indicate a crash.,
I guess that I just assumed that it had because it had stopped recording.
Anyhow, in the weight of evidence, it seems most likely to me that it was a transmission error with the start/stop flags rather than the box playing up.
So in that respect, my best assumption was that BH was correct with his 'No' and following post except that it was a damn unlikely coincidence that three boxes would stop recording. Strictly was in my still EPG when I checked (because HWMBO told me to check) at 20:46 (must have been seconds before or during the update).

NOW, could these updates not happen say 4 am when nobody records anything?
I'm with BH, nothing to do with the failed recording. Far too early before the start.
A broadcaster AR signal error is the most likely cause of multiple recorders stopping recording early.
So did anyone using AR succeed in recording the entire Apprentice on BBC 1 HD?
Are @mihaid and @Trev also on the Mendip transmitter?
I watched it on iPlayer after the jungle.
Transmitter is Hastings. A six Mpx repeater from Heathfield as the main Tx.
have a look at this strange log
[RR] Wed Nov 27 21:01:13 2019: Standby ring dim detected.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 21:01:13 2019: Recording end 25.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 21:01:12 2019:    Changing to dim blue.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 21:01:12 2019:    System is in standby.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 21:01:12 2019: REC icon off.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019:    Recording 1
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019: REC icon on.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019:    Changing to red.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019:    Changing to red.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019:    System is in standby.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019: REC icon on.
[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:27 2019: Recording start 25:'/mnt/hd2/My Video/Apprentice/The Apprentice_20191127_2059.nts'
recording 1 on line 4863 does not have apprentice in its name. which is consistent with what I saw on the epg at the time : blank
4863 & 4 looked malformed, mine is just a single line

[RR] Wed Nov 27 20:59:44 2019: Recording start 47:'/mnt/hd2/My Video/The Apprentice/The Apprentice_20191127_2059.nts'

edit... I do have 2 lines the above is the equivalent of your 4863
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I'm happy to accept some kind of transmission error killed all your recordings, because that has a demonstrable cause and effect. With only two differing observations, coincidence was a perfectly reasonable conclusion (no real way to establish anything else)... until a corroborating report came along.