I'm also having trouble with this.
I want to rsync from my hummy box to a linux server, running debian.
I have got this working from windows to the same server, and all is OK so I know the server setup is OK.
What I've done is:
Created a user humax on my server.
On humax box I've created keys:
humax# dropbearkey -t rsa -f /mod/.ssh/id_rsa
Will output 1024 bit rsa secret key to '/mod/.ssh/id_rsa'
Generating key, this may take a while...
Public key portion is:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgm8SLeqlW3CAc945dJ0+REHSzC/mNduRu+Hz19H++Pmem/VXRm1S7+wCqIjREzowV/amnD8Y9/wLW+WHM2O5lBfdysbwblqWvq443A3KuMknjvKVYEtLbJhi9JzNWX/a6VKi+15UxgeizmJtakmsNjM2SxJPQeFQFbLhg220onjbf+k= root@humax
Fingerprint: md5 a7:5f:08:04:bf:b5:3e:06:15:20:a3:a3:0a:aa:d8:b9
I've changed a couple of values above for security reasons.
I then pasted this public key portion into the .ssh/authorized_keys file in the humax user on server.
Directory permissions 700, file perms 600 on both client and server.
When I try to do a simple ssh test from the humax box it fails:
humax# ssh debianlinux date
Host 'debianlinux' is not in the trusted hosts file.
(fingerprint md5 a4:03:67:e2:6e:3f:4d:55:aa:e4:51:85:2d:65:ba:93)
Do you want to continue connecting? (y/n) y
ssh: Connection to root@debianlinux:22 exited: Didn't validate host key
Any ideas?
2 things I have noticed:
1. The fingerprint MD5s above do not match - is that correct?
2. The public key generated is not as long as the public key generated for the windows client. I believe this is due to using a different ssh on the hummy, but does it need converting to make ssh work?
I also checked my sshd_config file on my server and both of those options were already set.