Basically, No. I havn't a clue what gravatars are (I lie, because I just read about them, but didn't at the time I was trying to load an avatar). Surely uploading a picture should not be beyond the wit of man, except me, who cannot work out the right format. I have tried .mpg (and even jpg), .png and 60 x 60 px (too small, it said) and bmp (too big it said). Too hard says I, I think I will stick to a circle with and erect arrow on it
I seem to recall there is a file size limit, which meant I couldn't upload a png and had to convert it to jpg. I don't think it's fussy about the overall size (as long as its big enough) as it gets scaled - another forum insisted on a max number of pixels and I had to scale it myself.
That's as far as I can remember - could have all been another forum entirely!
Don't know what I'm doing wrong here then. How hard can it be?
I've tried a few different formats and sizes but when I stick a picture in the Avatar Editor, it says uploaded successfully (or similar) but the box on my posts clears to white, and the boxes in the Editor have no picture, just a red cross.
Ideas what I am doing wrong?
I can't actually remember what the problem was, but it wouldn't upload. I mght have used my lappy instead of my desktop. What difference that would have made, I don't know. But when I finally did it sometime after my original post, it 'just worked'
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