That's about HDR-FOX and HD-FOX, not FOXSAT-HDR. From the Things Every... (click) first post:
I was aware of that, grahamlthompson pointed it out in an earlier post.
Just to check: you are following instructions for installing CF on FOXSAT-HDR not HDR-FOX?
Correct. I downloaded 'raydons_Media_and_File_Server_Bundle_for_the_Foxsat_HDR_release_4.1.3.rar"
Extracted the files using 7-zip, and copied FOXSAT-HDR_upgrade.hdf to the root directory of a 8GB USB stick. Just to be sure(!), I reformatted the stick (full reformat, not Quick Format), to FAT32. There were no other files on it when I tried to install.
You mentioned Ext3; Windows PCs don't usually recognise Ext3. In any case, anyone with a Windows PC can easily run Linux tools: download and burn a "live Linux" image to a USB stick/drive or DVD-R (if you have an optical drive), then boot your PC from that. Bingo, you will be running Linux without affecting your normal Windows. Here's one specifically for doing disk drive type jobs:
Having fired up Linux, it will then be easy to prepare an Ext3 drive, and duplicate one Ext3 drive to another (which is what I take to understand you want to achieve).
Thanks for that. Right now, my priority is to try to get the thing working again. It's not responding to any buttons, so I can't get it into Standby mode. Ideally I would restore it to standard Firmware and take it from there. Any suggestions welcome.