Well-Known Member
No, but /dev/stdin (and stdout and stderr) are just links to /proc/self/fd/[012] so I guess you could use those instead?Does /dev/stdin exist on the Humax for example, or if not then what's it called??
No, but /dev/stdin (and stdout and stderr) are just links to /proc/self/fd/[012] so I guess you could use those instead?Does /dev/stdin exist on the Humax for example, or if not then what's it called??
That sounds like a very good thing to explore to me.I am wondering about the possibility of using the possibility of using the ffmpeg copy and concat technique as a replacement for nicespclice on the humax.
Suggestions (apologies for not addressing the media processing aspects, which I take on trust):After quite a few "learning opportunities" I have a basic BASH script which works on both my Raspberry Pi and the Humax to remove the Stereo sections from a mixed 5.1 and Stereo .ts (.m2ts) Humax recording. It's my first ever BASH Script ...
echo "text text"$var"text text"
is a bit strange and probably not what you want - instead echo "text text${var}text text"
or printf "text text%stext text\n" "$var"
, instead of bash, as the new ffmpeg is already quite hefty program and you won't want 2 bashes running as well on the Humax; I think only your arithmetic will be affected, but shellcheck will help;/bin
, as these are the only guaranteed versions (though a package could be made to depend on eg coreutils).Thanks - will try these ideas, although have some other commitments today.Suggestions....
/mod/bin/awk -F, '
BEGIN {c=-1}
(c != $2) {
if (last) {
print last;
print $0;
' temp.pts > temp.ptw
awk -F, '
BEGIN {c=-1; f=0}
(c != $2) {
if (f == 0) f=$1;
printf ("%f,%d\n", $1 - f, $2);
' "root".pts > "root".ptx
but is available in either of the busybox or coreutils packages.1>>\""$root".log\" 2>>\""$root".log\"
, it would be more usual to use this as a replacement >>\""$root".log\" 2>&1
.Well that's certainly much neater! Must admit I became rather carried away with the sed / uniq / grep stuff and should have stood back and thought harder about direct processing of the .pts file. Working nicely with your second version and also doing some other general tidying and making more compliant with non-bash shells. Hopefully another, rather cleaner, version tomorrow - quite enjoying learning something newAs an alternative, this includes the above plus the functionality of the following while loop and sed command in the original code.
It does introduce a dependency on the gawk package for the Humax CF, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.Well that's certainly much neater! ...
Providing you recognize you have a dependency and can declare it in the dependencies it is better to use a tool rather than reinventing wheels,It does introduce a dependency on the gawk package for the Humax CF, which isn't necessarily a bad thing
Old hands will be familiar with this, but you have to distinguish between the busybox that comes in the CF's...
But too often you only realize something is an add on when someone else fails when trying to run your packge
and the installable busybox package.type
built-in is in the package version but not the CF), so that shell scripts tested with /mod/bin/busybox
in the PATH can fail when run, eg, at boot time when only /bin
is available.#!/bin/sh
# Shell script to determine whether a Humax .ts media file contains 5.1 audio and if so remove any Stereo section(s)
# Input parameters: $1 - Name of a .ts media file, with or without the .ts extension
# Output: the same .ts file, cut and spliced to remove any Stereo sections if they exist. Exits with file untouched if no 5.1 audio at +240 seconds
# .log file containing STDERR output from ffmpeg / ffprobe and other progress info
# Calls / depends on: ffmpeg / ffprobe to analyse and edit the programme
# awk Linux command
print_banner () {
echo "Shell script to determine whether a Humax .ts media file contains 5.1 audio and if so remove any Stereo section(s)"
echo "Input parameter: Name of a .ts media file, with or without the .ts extension"
echo "Output: the same .ts file, cut and spliced to remove any Stereo sections if they exist."
echo " .log file containing STDERR output from ffmpeg / ffprobe and other progress info"
echo " "
echo "Exits with file untouched if no 5.1 audio at +240 seconds or no Stereo section(s)"
echo " "
echo "Calls / depends on: ffmpeg / ffprobe to analyse and edit the programme"
echo " awk Linux command"
echo " "
echo " "
echo "***WARNING*** This will overwrite the existing .ts file with no backup - use with caution! ***"
echo " "
cleanup () {
echo "*** Copy of "$root".ptx - the derived list of sections" >>"$root".log
cat "$root".ptx >>"$root".log
echo "*** Copy of "$root".sh - the ffmpeg cut-and-splice list" >>"$root".log
cat "$root".sh >>"$root".log
rm "$root".pt*
rm "$root".sh
ls -l "$root".* >>"$root".log
date >>"$root".log
echo "----- *** -----"
ls -l "$root".ts
echo ""$@"" >>"$root".log
echo ""$@" See \""$root.log"\" for more details"
# MAIN - Start here...
# If no input then exit with banner
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
exit 5;
# Derive basename of input file
# Check we have the required files and exit with banner and message if not found!
if [ ! -f "$root".ts ]; then
echo "**ERROR** Required file \""$root".ts\" not found!"
exit 5;
# Look at the number of channels four minutes into the programme and exit if less than three channels of audio
channels=$(ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel warning -read_intervals 240%+#1 -select_streams a:0 -i "$root".ts -show_frames -show_entries frame=channels -of csv=nk=1:p=0 2>>"$root".log);
if [ $channels -lt 3 ]; then
echo "\""$root".ts\" only has "$channels" audio channels at +4 minutes - exiting with no action"
ls -l "$root".ts
exit 1
fi ;
echo "\""$root".ts\" has "$channels" audio channels at +4 minutes - processing file to remove any Stereo sections"
ls -l "$root".ts
# We have multi-channel audio!
# Initialise a log file to capture progress and ffmpeg errors
date >"$root".log
echo "File has "$channels" audio channels at +4 minutes - processing file to remove any Stereo sections" >>"$root".log
ls -l "$root".* >>"$root".log
# Initialise the script file for cutting and splicing work
echo "#!/bin/sh" >"$root".sh
# Generate a .pts file with a list of the number of audio chanels in each frame
ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel warning -select_streams a:0 -i "$root".ts -show_frames -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time,channels -of csv=nk=1:p=0 1>"$root".pts 2>>"$root".log;
# Select the start and end of each section from the frames
awk -F, '
BEGIN {c=-1; f=0; pp=0}{
if (c != $2) {
if (f == 0) {
printf ("%f,%d\n", $1 - f, $2);
} else {
printf ("%f,%d\n", pp - f, pc);
printf ("%f,%d\n", $1 - f, $2);
' "$root".pts > "$root".ptx
# Generate the Cut and Splice file
while IFS=, read -r pts chan; do
if [ $phase = "Starts" ]; then
if [ $chan -gt 2 ]; then
echo "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats -i \""$root".ts\" -c:v copy -c:a copy -ss "$spts" -to "$pts" -async 1 \""$root""$count6".m2ts\" >>\""$root".log\" 2>&1" >>"$root".sh
done < "$root".ptx
# If there are no Stereo sections then just clean up and exit, leaving file untouched
if [ $count2 -eq 0 ]; then
cleanup "No Stereo sections found - exiting with no changes to file."
exit 1
# If input ends on a 6 channel segment then include this to end
if [ $schan -gt 2 ]; then
echo "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats -i \""$root".ts\" -c:v copy -c:a copy -ss "$spts" -async 1 \""$root""$count6".m2ts\" >>\""$root".log\" 2>&1" >>"$root".sh
# Concatonate all the segments together...
echo "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats -i "${concat%??}" -y -c copy \""$root".m2ts\" >>\""$root".log\" 2>&1" >>"$root".sh;
# And go do the edit
echo "***Timestamp at the end of ffprobe and PTS scan processing as we start the Cut and Join..." >>"$root".log
date >>"$root".log
sh "$root".sh
# Overwrite the original .ts file with the spliced .m2ts version
[ -f "$root".m2ts ] && \
mv -f "$root".m2ts "$root".ts
# Clean up the work files and exit..
rm "$root"?.m2ts
cleanup "Exiting cleanly - "$root".ts has been cut into "$count6" sections with 5.1 audio and spliced"
exit 0
Are you creating a new .ts without any sidecar files?I was greeted this morning by an error message on the Humax to say that automatic decryption had failed for the new file
Definitely.the HMT and NTS files probably need to be rebuilt
What doesis there something that recognises that the .ts file has changed?
stripts -E
report against both old and new files?In which case, I don't see why auto-decrypt was triggered.I replaced the .ts file into the same directory but had left the HMT / NTS / THM files untouched and also in the same directory
Curious. ffmpeg can't have been working on an encrypted file (can it?!?), and yetThe new .ts file reports "1" (encrypted I assume?) from stripts -E
...implies that the HDR-FOX also thinks it is encrypted (or at least that the .hmt is out of sync).Channel encrypted or not available
One reason all of the current processes that modify the .ts file leave the original in an /originals folder or move it to the dustbin is so that you can repeat tests and investigate problemsdon't know why I didn't try to play it from the Humax before...
In effect this is exactly what I was doing with the original file and resulted in the unplayable .ts . The now-playable and newly named "Quick Stream Fix'd" .ts, with a new .hmt generated by Sidecar seems to work 100% fine on the Humax although missing the Synopsis etc.Try this:
- Run the process on a test recording;
- Delete the original .ts;
- Rename the process output .ts to match the existing .hmt.
I did take (and still have) a copy under a modified name before starting any tests for exactly that reason. But will definitely change the script to keep a copy...One reason all of the current processes that modify the .ts file leave the original in an /originals folder or move it to the dustbin is so that you can repeat tests and investigate problems
The newly created HMT for the playable Cut/Concat'd file shows: Flags: HD,New,Unlimited Copies,Shrunk,What doeshmt <rootfilename> | grep ^Flags