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Can I change the HTTP port number?


New Member
For some crazy reason my new ISP's router doesn't allow me to set up port forwarding for port 80 so my question is " Can I change the http port number in the custom firmware to say 8080 and if I can how do I do it?".

Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your very prompt reply MofTot.

I've been using ftp to download programmes so that I can watch them offline so it may well do the job. I assume I install it though Package Management but it's not actually listed under any of the tabs and using Update Package List from Internet I get the following error.

wget: bad address 'hpkg.tv'
Downloading hpkg.tv foxsat basePackages.gz.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download hpkg.tv foxsat base Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
Updating package meta information.

Any idea what might be causing that or do I install it some other way?
Google DNS has issues today so if you're using their DNS this may be the reason for the issues you see, I experienced similar issues during the past hour.

You're right in using [Update package list from Internet] in WebIf Package Management first, then Remote Scheduling should be listed on the [Available] tab.

However, if you've been FTP'ing from the outside to get access to your recordings Remote Scheduling will not help you with this. Only metadata about the recordings are exposed on the RS server, not the files themselves.
Actually I switched back to my outgoing ISP and the update worked (very weird and a bit worrying) so I'll install rs and take a look at it. Thanks for the suggestion.
I do use google dns so that could well be the cause.

There doesn't seem to be a problem setting up port forwarding for port 21 (only 80 and a few others) so i'm hoping that ftp will still work for downloading the .ts files. I say "hope" because I haven't been able to try it yet because it's a 4g/lte broadband and the ISP says I need a static ip to get port forwarding to work and I only found that out today. I've ordered it but I've got to wait for it to come through.

Who said switching ISPs was easy!
the ISP says I need a static ip to get port forwarding to work and I only found that out today.
That doesn't sound right to me; port forwarding is internal to your network so why would it matter what the external IP address is? You do of course need to have a way of knowing what the external IP address is; I used to use dyndns until they went from free, to charging a bit, to charging quite a lot. I believe there are similar services that are free or cheap.
I use ddns with my old ISP Martin and it worked a treat. But I gather my new 4g-based ISP uses CGNAT whereby multiple customers share the same ip address. They say I need a static ip to get around this and make port-forwarding work. :-(
I use ddns with my old ISP Martin and it worked a treat. But I gather my new 4g-based ISP uses CGNAT whereby multiple customers share the same ip address. They say I need a static ip to get around this and make port-forwarding work. :-(
Fair enough; I hadn't realised you were on CGNAT so now the suggestion from the ISP makes more sense and I agree you need a static IP address (but I wonder if that is to make your box accessible to incoming requests from the rest of the Internet rather than to make port forwarding per se work).
For some crazy reason my new ISP's router doesn't allow me to set up port forwarding for port 80 so my question is " Can I change the http port number in the custom firmware to say 8080 and if I can how do I do it?".
You are completely barking mad if you're going to expose a web server on your Humax to the whole internet. Really, don't do it. On whatever port.
Strictly speaking Martin it's to make the box accessible from the internet because without that I can't use port forwarding for what I want to do.

Well, I must be barking mad prpr because I've been doing it for the last couple of years and if someone wants to steal my recordings then they are welcome to them. Seriously though I hadn't considered that some "clever clogs" clever clogs might be able to plant some malware in it or even make it part of a botnet but that's the same for my cameras and intruder alarm.
Can I change the http port number in the custom firmware to say 8080 and if I can how do I do it?
Yes, go to the web interface Diagnostics, then File Editor. In the list of Commonly edited files at the bottom, click on /mod/etc/lighttpd/extra.conf

You'll see an example line in there that adds an extra port, 81 in this case:

# Example - listen on additional port (81)

#$SERVER["socket"] == ":81" {}

Just remove the # at the start of that line and change the port number to what you want. This adds an extra port so it will still be available on the standard port 80.
The web server will need to be restarted ('service restart lighttpd' from the CLI, or restart the Humax).

If you're using HTTPS, which you should be for external access, you'll see a similar example section lower down for this:

# Example - listen on additional SSL port (4443)

#$SERVER["socket"] == ":4443" { include "ssl-params.conf" }
That would be perfect af123 BUT I can't see a Diagnostics option anywhere in the web interface! Am I right in assuming that you are referring to the FOXSAT-HDR version? If you are then a screen shot might help 'cause I can be a bit blind at times - "I look but do not see" if you get my meaning. I'm on Custom firmware 4.1.3 Web Interface 2.88 if that helps.
Am I right in assuming that you are referring to the FOXSAT-HDR version?
Arghh, no, sorry.
The Foxsat should have a similar configuration file in /opt/etc/lighttpd/ but it doesn't have a nice web-based file editor so you'll need to use the command line or access it over windows file sharing.
Sorry for the confusion!
It's not easy when people are using different versions af123 but what you suggest is really helpful. I can see that I can access the file using ftp so should be able to make the change you recommend.

And a big thank you to Black Hole because I'm not a linux-man and would have used notepad!

So I used the editor built into my ftp winscp client software and IT WORKS A TREAT.

Thank you very much to you all. I really am grateful for all your help.
Back to the subject of the Remote Scheduling option, I'm have a problem with registering in that I get the following error but only when using my new ISP.

Using e-mail address: *******@*******.com
Registering with remote scheduling server.
Sending channel information to remote server.
Sending TBL_RESERVATION schedule information to remote server.
Sending pending schedule information to remote server.Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name

Any suggestions on how to debug it?
Still a DNS issue for you. To debug run the following on the box:

nslookup rs.hpkg.tv

Optionally, add the server's IP address to /etc/hosts on the box (edit with vi, tab character between IP address and hostname):

Code:    rs.hpkg.tv

(edited, IP address was incorrect).
dns was (my router) but when I changed it to it worked a treat. I can't say that I understand why because my router uses google dns addresses as well. But who cares it's working now. Thanks again to both of you for your help. Without it I'd have wasted so much time and probably wouldn't have found a resolution. People like you make it so much easier for people like me.