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Can I use a different Wifi dongle


New Member
I see on the Fox T2, you can use any dongle so long as it's using the Ralink3070 chipset.
Is this the same for the HDR 1000S??

I don't particularly want to pay £29 for the proper Humax one.

For those interested, I'm currently using the Sky Wifi Connector, which plugs in over Ethernet, but wirelessly connects back to my Wifi. This is bulky and needs another power source, hence looking at a cheap dongle option.
You should be able to use any dongle which uses the same chip set as the Humax dongle. If the dongle for the 1000S is the same as the dongle for the HD/HDR-FOX, you should be fine with the recommended clones - but be careful, there have recently been chip set upgrades, and even the dongle that Humax supplies now will not work with their own devices until they have a firmware update.

In summary, with the provisos above, if you make sure you get a dongle with the older version of the chip set as described in the wiki (link below), you should be OK.

Ok thanks - it looks like there's only one Humax wifi dongle. So I've ordered that cheapie from China for £4.79! If it works - bonus.
Yes, but not practical. It's not in any place close to an ethernet connection port and I'm not about to fork out on two Home Plugs.

If the USB dongle underperforms, I'll go back to using the Sky Wireless Connector.
Yes, but not practical. It's not in any place close to an ethernet connection port and I'm not about to fork out on two Home Plugs.

If the USB dongle underperforms, I'll go back to using the Sky Wireless Connector.

Well obviously you know your finances better than I. Our router is at the other end of the house and upstairs, totally away from our TV. However, for a trouble free enjoyable experience I wouldn't consider anything other than a wired connection. I have the Devolo HP in almost every room. When I was streaming either from my NAS or from another PVR the freezing and jerkiness just wasn't worth the cost savings.

Since going Devolo we have never looked back. There are much cheaper but perfectly acceptable alternatives e.g. TP-Link etc which I supposed to be OK.

Remember the old saying - you buy cheap and you buy twice, especially true with wireless.
My sentiments exactly, although it must be said that HomePlug can also be problematic - especially on a large property with multiple mains phases. In my view WiFi should be reserved for connection to non-fixed locations, but I admit to breaking that rule with some USB extenders (because they only work on WiFi).
My sentiments exactly, although it must be said that HomePlug can also be problematic - especially on a large property with multiple mains phases. In my view WiFi should be reserved for connection to non-fixed locations, but I admit to breaking that rule with some USB extenders (because they only work on WiFi).

So I believe, though I think in the main (pardon the pun) they are pretty reliable these days. Our property is around 15 years old so what one might call modern wiring. I have to say that for us the Devolo's have never disappointed at all. I can imagine one might have an issue with some of the older properties though.

If this conversation was taking place on another forum we would have Winston on by now proclaiming how we should be locked up for causing untold interference to the neighbourhood. :eek:
The genie is out of the bottle on that one. The regulators should have stepped in when they could have done something about it, but they didn't so that's that. No point wearing a hair shirt when it will make no overall difference.
The genie is out of the bottle on that one. The regulators should have stepped in when they could have done something about it, but they didn't so that's that. No point wearing a hair shirt when it will make no overall difference.
Try telling that to Winston, I think he's a descendant of King Canute.
I suspect he's really Dr. Emmett Brown - I have an image in my mind of him running up and down the neighbourhood.
If that were true he'd already have jumped into his De Lorean time machine and gone back and uninvented the evil homeplugs.