Can't access Humax SMB share after Windows 10 update

Following a Windows 10 update I am no longer able to access the video folder on my HDR-Fox T2 from my PC. File Explorer simply doesn't connect. Directory Opus gives a message saying that the share "requires the obsolete SMB1 protocol, which is unsafe...".

Any ideas how I can work around this?
Win10 does not support the SMB1 protocol by default, and the HDR-FOX does not offer SMB3. I believe you can enable SMB1 in Win10 (google it).

  • Try NFS instead (nfs-utils package);

  • Try the beta Samba 3 package (note this is not the same as SMB3):
    I am now using the package on Win 10 without needing SMB1 enabled,
    The humax does not appear as a computer in the Network section but you can still map network links by typing the name into the Map dialogue
I've been hunting around for the beta Samba 3 package. I have v2.0.5 of the auto-update package installed, but I don't see the opkg-beta package which provides access to beta packages. Have I been reading obsolete instructions?

Edit: I already have SMB1 enabled in Windows 10, but I guess something in the wonderful monthly Windows update has broken something....
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Thanks for pointing that out - I've now managed to install the beta Samba 3 package. Sadly it hasn't resolved the problem, though.
I also have NFS services enabled on my Windows PC, but that isn't helping either.