Can't access web if

After inserting the USB it just sticks on the HUMAX logo on TV. Can't get it to go any further. Tried both sockets but I'm still on CF 3.10. Does it just upgrade or what am I missing?
That means it must be trying to access the .hdf but getting stuck. I presume it boots normally when there is no UPD installed.

Why would it get stuck? Don't know. If it didn't find a valid .hdf it wouldn't get stuck and just boot to TV as usual. Maybe it is having trouble with the file system on the UPD.
Yes it boots normally without the stick. I've tried two so far, I'll see if I've another,
What size stick? Not all makes of stick work, and it needs to be a reasonably small one. Anything larger than 32GB won't work because it uses a different file format.
Well, it has to be formatted FAT32 anyway, and we know Windows isn't very good at that. I wouldn't expect a dodgy format to stall the boot though.
Does the 'Fox read the UPD once it's booted (try copying a recording onto it)? Does removing the .hdf allow boot with the UPD installed?
If you can see the files on the USB stick, or can get the .hdf file on to the disk in another way, then you can use the excellent cfupdater package.
I haven't bothered with the USB method of firmware installation for years.

As to your primary issue, you need to provide exact commands and output, not the vague stuff you posted up-thread.
Does the 'Fox read the UPD once it's booted (try copying a recording onto it)? Does removing the .hdf allow boot with the UPD installed?
I'll check both tomorrow
As to your primary issue, you need to provide exact commands and output, not the vague stuff you posted up-thread.

As per the suggestions you made to the OP, after the command humax# service produced my 'vague' output, I concluded that as lighttpd wasn't the problem, I didn't know how to follow on.

If you can see the files on the USB stick, or can get the .hdf file on to the disk in another way, then you can use the excellent cfupdater package.
I haven't bothered with the USB method of firmware installation for years
Bit 'vague' that. How do you do it then?
Ok, sorted. I downloaded to an SD card with adaptor and worked first time. My USB's obviously aren't suited. Thanks for info BH.
Quite, but as the relevant instructions are in the Beta section of the forum, they come with the Beta caveats whether those still apply or not. That's why I am keen to clean all this up.
I can't install the webif after replacing my ailing disk.
I get as far as everything installed up to and including Custom Firmware (allegedly),
then click on Download and Install the Full Web Interface and we fail saying ERROR - No network connectivity to package repository.
There is network connectivity because the browser screen is showing the Humax's IP address.
I guess there's something missing or I've missed out a step? I have repeated the whole process several times, also with an alternative disk.
When I reinstated the flaky old disk it all worked of course, but I don't want to just not replace that old disk.
Please may have a hint or some help?

ERROR - No network connectivity to package repository.
There is network connectivity because the browser screen is showing the Humax's IP address.
Yes, but it needs to get to the Internet, not just devices local to your network. Check the gateway address (and all that stuff) is correct, and your router isn't excluding it from the Internet.
I get as far as everything installed up to and including Custom Firmware (allegedly),
then click on Download and Install the Full Web Interface and we fail saying ERROR - No network connectivity to package repository.
Report IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway address, DNS address and whether you are setting them via DHCP or statically.
There is network connectivity because the browser screen is showing the Humax's IP address.
Yes, but only to the LAN.