Can't connect to RS server


Ye Olde Bowler
My machines failed to contact the RS server overnight. I have restarted my router, etc., and can see my boxes and RS okay but they fail to speak to each other.
Modinit log shows:
858Mon Apr 24 09:57:27 2017 Could not contact RS server.
857 Error: 7 - Couldn't connect to server

Can ping/tracert okay to RS - is it just me ?
I have some quite bizarre errors. Here are just some small extracts:
Error encountered, <body style="height: 100%; width: 100%; margin-top: 5em;
    background: #5d666f url(/images/body_bg.jpg) repeat-x top center;">
<script type=text/javascript>
$(document).ready(function() {
<table height=100% style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: auto;">
        <td align=right><a href=/x/pwreset.html>Forgotten password?</a>
            <small><input id=loginbutton type=submit value=Login></small>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs$


Error encountered, <html>
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head> 
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
Error encountered, Error: 28 - Timeout was reached
Error encountered, Failed to connect database server: No such file or directory
Error encountered, Error: 28 - Timeout was reached
Error encountered, Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host name
Error encountered, Error: 7 - Couldn't connect to server
What all that HTML is doing in the logs I cannot imagine.
It seems to be working at time of writing though.
Just restarted both boxes using WebIf. Box 1 sprang back into life with a connection to RS. Box 2 needed a second restart and is now okay.
Would be nice to know if it was my end. I have recently acquired a BT Smart Hub which seems okay on Plus net, but I had to restart it a couple of times yesterday to clear problems.
The server which hosts RS (and these forums) has crashed this morning. It seems to have recovered though. It doesn't appear as if there was a problem overnight though.
Seems like these things should be renamed "BT Dumb Hub".
I am tending to agree - however it is a vdsl modem/router so one less box. Maybe I should bite the bullet and find a better one - though what that could be I have yet to figure out !

Thanks af for the info - I will monitor and see how it goes...