Well-Known Member
This is a slightly different version of the Change 2 letters game(s) we've got already.
The rules are basically the same except for what you can change.
settee -> settle... OK, changed 1
settee -> settler... OK, changed 2nd e to l, added r
settee -> better ... NOT OK, 2 letters changed
setter -> otter ... OK, changed 1st e to o, s removed
setter -> scatter ... NOT OK, 1 added within existing word
I have a feeling this may be a bit hard, but you're a clever bunch so we'll see how it goes
We'll start with:
Used words (up to post #822)
The rules are basically the same except for what you can change.
- Taking the existing word you may change one letter anywhere in it.
- You may add or subtract one letter to/from the word BUT this can only be at the beginning or end of the word. ie. you can tack a letter on either end, or remove a letter from either end.
settee -> settle... OK, changed 1
settee -> settler... OK, changed 2nd e to l, added r
settee -> better ... NOT OK, 2 letters changed
setter -> otter ... OK, changed 1st e to o, s removed
setter -> scatter ... NOT OK, 1 added within existing word
I have a feeling this may be a bit hard, but you're a clever bunch so we'll see how it goes
We'll start with:
Used words (up to post #822)
Adult (677)
Adults (678)
Agate (239)
Aitch (296)
Anal (245)
Ants (538)
Aped (211)
Apes (214)
Aprons (387)
Art (454)
Aspire (449)
Asunder (81)
Atoms (122)
Auk (467)
Awning (800)
Bail (615)
Bald (684)
Balks (683)
Balls (623)
Banal (246)
Bandy (87)
Baring (772)
Bash (758)
Basic (769)
Basil (759)
Basin (771)
Beach (22)
Beard (20)
Bearing (790)
Bearings (791)
Beast (10)
Beat (21)
Beer (19)
Bees (8)
Belt (660)
Bench (40)
Bender (78)
Bends (72)
Bends (71)
Bendy (77)
Bilk (682)
Bitch (297)
Bleach (53)
Bleak (54)
Blender (79)
Bluster (562)
Boar (707)
Boats (708)
Boil (616)
Bole (674)
Bolt (673)
Braid (89)
Branch (286)
Brandy (88)
Brash (756)
Brunch (287)
Brush (581)
Bulky (681)
Bull (680)
Bum (343)
Bunk (342)
Call (624)
Camp (115)
Canal (247)
Cane (248)
Canny (253)
Cant (249)
Card (506)
Carp (460)
Chalk (465)
Check (735)
Cheek (736)
Cherry (170)
Chips (304)
Chit (303)
Choose (306)
Chop (305)
Chum (365)
Chunk (274)
Chunky (281)
Cistern (817)
Clapped (102)
Clappers (103)
Clasper (104)
Clasps (105)
Clunky (275)
Cluster (566)
Clutch (484)
Clute (483)
Coil (617)
Counted (555)
Counts (556)
Court (558)
Courts (557)
Cram (602)
Crane (135)
Cranks (136)
Crapper (98)
Crash (752)
Crepe (224)
Crept (223)
Crumb (366)
Crump (368)
Crumps (373)
Crumpet (372)
Crutch (289)
Crypts (222)
Cures (481)
Curls (480)
Cute (482)
Dares (469)
Dark (468)
Darts (473)
Desist (1)
Dole (675)
Dolt (676)
Drape (228)
Dreaming (780)
Drinks (270)
Drunks (271)
Dulls (679)
Dumb (348)
Dump (347)
Each (495)
Ear (496)
Earning (799)
Earring (797)
Eased (724)
Easing (785)
East (719)
Easy (720)
Enter (814)
Erring (796)
Escape (688)
Escaped (687)
Etch (42)
Exist (3)
Expand (61)
Expanded (65)
Expands (66)
Expanse (64)
Expend (60)
Expends (67)
Eyes (6)
Faking (776)
Fanny (257)
Fart (453)
Ferry (171)
Fetch (49)
Flan (329)
Flanks (264)
Fletch (50)
Floats (709)
Flossed (314)
Flunks (263)
Flusters (563)
Funky (260)
Funny (258)
Gas (747)
Gash (745)
Gasp (746)
Gaze (236)
Glossed (312)
Goats (710)
Grant (133)
Grants (549)
Granted (550)
Grape (229)
Grapes (217)
Graze (235)
Gripes (218)
Grips (219)
Groats (711)
Gross (310)
Grosse (311)
Grouse (309)
Grunted (553)
Grunts (132)
Hank (283)
Hark (463)
Harm (455)
Harp (461)
Hawk (464)
Heals (643)
Hear (642)
Hearing (795)
Hearings (793)
Heats (641)
Heck (737)
Heels (645)
Hell (646)
Here (176)
Herring (794)
Hills (669)
Hilt (670)
Hitch (298)
Hits (299)
Honk (332)
House (307)
Hump (344)
Hunky (282)
Hurl (479)
Hurts (478)
Hutch (290)
Ice (422)
Iced (423)
Ills (668)
Imp (108)
Impends (69)
Inlet (809)
Inner (811)
Inset (808)
Inter (812)
Interest (820)
Interested (822)
Interests (821)
Intern (818)
Interns (819)
Itch (295)
Jam (603)
Jelly (649)
Jilts (671)
Jolts (672)
Junks (262)
Ketch (486)
Kinks (269)
Lanky (265)
Lard (507)
Later (201)
Layers (200)
Leak (55)
Leaked (725)
Leech (52)
Legal (241)
Legate (240)
Letch (485)
Linnet (810)
Lipped (101)
Losses (317)
Luster (561)
Lusts (560)
Mark (741)
Mash (744)
Mask (742)
Matrons (392)
Meal (634)
Meat (635)
Meld (629)
Melts (628)
Mere (173)
Merry (172)
Metre (397)
Metres (400)
Metric (411)
Metro (408)
Mice (421)
Mitre (398)
Mitres (399)
Mole (664)
Mouse (308)
Mule (666)
Mulls (667)
Muster (568)
Nanny (254)
Neck (732)
Oust (559)
Owning (802)
Pa (497)
Pails (621)
Paired (529)
Palls (622)
Panda (84)
Pander (83)
Pant (325)
Pap (498)
Parp (457)
Parred (530)
Parry (531)
Part (452)
Partly (534)
Parts (474)
Party (532)
Past (324)
Patrols (394)
Patron (393)
Payer (189)
Pecks (731)
Peers (16)
Petrel (396)
Petrol (395)
Pike (432)
Piles (433)
Pimp (109)
Pin (110)
Pine (446)
Plane (328)
Planet (327)
Plank (330)
Plant (326)
Plate (208)
Players (199)
Plonk (331)
Posse (318)
Post (322)
Prayer (192)
Preach (717)
Prompt (376)
Proms (386)
Proof (593)
Prop (594)
Prunes (129)
Punk (261)
Punted (554)
Push (577)
Pusher (575)
Pushy (576)
Quad (522)
Quart (516)
Queers (17)
Quiet (439)
Quill (519)
Quilt (518)
Quilts (438)
Quire (526)
Quit (440)
Quits (441)
Raid (90)
Ramp (107)
Ranch (285)
Rank (284)
Rant (134)
Ranted (551)
Rasps (106)
Reach (716)
React (718)
Reaming (781)
Regal (242)
Regale (243)
Renal (244)
Rented (552)
Rents (539)
Resist (2)
Retch (43)
Retrick (413)
Rice (420)
Rind (805)
Ring (804)
Rinse (806)
Ripper (99)
Rips (598)
Roaming (779)
Romps (374)
Roof (592)
Rot (591)
Rump (367)
Runts (131)
Rush (580)
Sails (620)
Sandal (85)
Sander (82)
Sandy (86)
Sash (753)
Sated (210)
Scald (685)
Scaled (686)
Scam (604)
Scamp (114)
Scans (610)
Scant (611)
Scare (689)
Scared (503)
Scarp (458)
Scary (459)
Scone (125)
Scopes (501)
Score (502)
Scrape (225)
Scrappy (95)
Scraps (94)
Scrips (220)
Scripts (221)
Scrunch (288)
Sear (705)
Seers (8)
Sender (8)0)
Sexes (5)
Sexist (4)
Shack (738)
Shall (625)
Sham (113)
Shank (336)
Shard (505)
Share (177)
Shared (504)
Shark (462)
Sharp (456)
Shear (13)
Sheets (640)
Shell (626)
Sherry (159)
Shirts (477)
Shits (302)
Short (476)
Shush (578)
Sinter (815)
Sire (527)
Sister (816)
Skerry (158)
Sketch (44)
Sketchy (45)
Slam (605)
Slap (499)
Slated (209)
Slater (202)
Sleet (638)
Sleets (639)
Slinks (267)
Slinky (266)
Slipper (100)
Slope (500)
Slush (579)
Smack (740)
Smartly (535)
Smash (743)
Smell (631)
Smells (627)
Smelly (648)
Smelt (662)
Smolt (663)
Snare (702)
Snared (699)
Snarl (701)
Sneaked (726)
Sneaker (727)
Soar (706)
Soil (619)
Soonest (126)
Spam (606)
Spams (112)
Span (111)
Spans (608)
Spank (607)
Spanks (149)
Spared (178)
Spark (150)
Spate (179)
Spayed (184)
Speak (56)
Speaks (730)
Speaker (729)
Spears (14)
Sped (57)
Speed (58)
Spell (647)
Spelt (661)
Spend (59)
Spends (68)
Spike (431)
Spills (434)
Spilt (435)
Spine (447)
Spire (448)
Spite (445)
Spits (444)
Spoil (618)
Spoken (430)
Spore (450)
Sport (451)
Sports (475)
Sprayed (197)
Sprayer (193)
Sprayers (198)
Squad (523)
Squall (520)
Square (524)
Squat (521)
Squire (525)
Squirt (517)
Staging (774)
Stamp (117)
Stank (339)
Stares (470)
Staring (773)
Stark (151)
Starry (152)
Stars (471)
Starts (472)
Steaming (787)
Stile (427)
Stilts (436)
Stolen (428)
Stomp (119)
Stone (124)
Stones (127)
Strain (92)
Strap (93)
Strapper (97)
Strappy (96)
Strayed (195)
Strayers (194)
Strick (417)
Stripe (596)
Strop (595)
Struck (418)
Struts (588)
Stunk (341)
Styled (425)
Styles (426)
Suits (442)
Sward (508)
Sweat (636)
Sweets (637)
Swords (509)
Swore (510)
Tack (739)
Taking (775)
Takings (777)
Taming (778)
Tamp (118)
Tanks (145)
Tapes (216)
Tart (515)
Tarts (537)
Tartly (536)
Tearing (788)
Tease (721)
Teasel (722)
Teasing (786)
Tench (41)
Terry (153)
Tetchy (46)
There (175)
Threat (713)
Throats (712)
Thrush (582)
Thrust (583)
Thumb (349)
Thump (346)
Thunk (273)
Tiled (424)
Tinsel (807)
Tits (300)
Token (429)
Tomb (120)
Tome (123)
Tort (513)
Train (91)
Tram (600)
Tramp (601)
Trash (751)
Treat (714)
Trims (599)
Tripe (597)
Trot (590)
Truce (419)
Trump (345)
Trumpet (370)
Trumps (369)
Trunks (272)
Truss (587)
Trust (586)
Truth (589)
Tunes (128)
Upends (70)
Usher (569)
Vetch (489)
Wail (614)
Wait (613)
Walk (466)
Want (612)
Wash (750)
Weaker (728)
Wearing (789)
Weasel (723)
Wheels (644)
Where (174)
Wilts (437)
Winter (813)
Wired (528)
Wort (512)
Wreath (715)
Wring (803)
Yawning (801)
Year (12)
Yeast (11)
Yes (7)
Zits (443)
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