Change 1 Add/Remove 1 game


Well-Known Member
This is a slightly different version of the Change 2 letters game(s) we've got already.

The rules are basically the same except for what you can change.
  • Taking the existing word you may change one letter anywhere in it.
  • You may add or subtract one letter to/from the word BUT this can only be at the beginning or end of the word. ie. you can tack a letter on either end, or remove a letter from either end.
For example:
settee -> settle... OK, changed 1
settee -> settler... OK, changed 2nd e to l, added r
settee -> better ... NOT OK, 2 letters changed
setter -> otter ... OK, changed 1st e to o, s removed
setter -> scatter ... NOT OK, 1 added within existing word

I have a feeling this may be a bit hard, but you're a clever bunch so we'll see how it goes :whistling:

We'll start with:

Used words (up to post #822)
Adult  (677)
Adults  (678)
Agate  (239)
Aitch  (296)
Anal  (245)
Ants  (538)
Aped  (211)
Apes  (214)
Aprons  (387)
Art  (454)
Aspire  (449)
Asunder  (81)
Atoms  (122)
Auk  (467)
Awning  (800)
Bail  (615)
Bald  (684)
Balks  (683)
Balls  (623)
Banal  (246)
Bandy  (87)
Baring  (772)
Bash  (758)
Basic  (769)
Basil  (759)
Basin  (771)
Beach  (22)
Beard  (20)
Bearing  (790)
Bearings  (791)
Beast  (10)
Beat  (21)
Beer  (19)
Bees  (8)
Belt  (660)
Bench  (40)
Bender  (78)
Bends  (72)
Bends  (71)
Bendy  (77)
Bilk  (682)
Bitch  (297)
Bleach  (53)
Bleak  (54)
Blender  (79)
Bluster  (562)
Boar  (707)
Boats  (708)
Boil  (616)
Bole  (674)
Bolt  (673)
Braid  (89)
Branch  (286)
Brandy  (88)
Brash  (756)
Brunch  (287)
Brush  (581)
Bulky  (681)
Bull  (680)
Bum  (343)
Bunk  (342)
Call  (624)
Camp  (115)
Canal  (247)
Cane  (248)
Canny  (253)
Cant  (249)
Card  (506)
Carp  (460)
Chalk  (465)
Check  (735)
Cheek  (736)
Cherry  (170)
Chips  (304)
Chit  (303)
Choose  (306)
Chop (305)
Chum  (365)
Chunk  (274)
Chunky  (281)
Cistern  (817)
Clapped  (102)
Clappers  (103)
Clasper  (104)
Clasps  (105)
Clunky  (275)
Cluster  (566)
Clutch  (484)
Clute  (483)
Coil  (617)
Counted  (555)
Counts  (556)
Court  (558)
Courts  (557)
Cram  (602)
Crane  (135)
Cranks  (136)
Crapper  (98)
Crash  (752)
Crepe  (224)
Crept  (223)
Crumb  (366)
Crump  (368)
Crumps  (373)
Crumpet  (372)
Crutch  (289)
Crypts  (222)
Cures  (481)
Curls  (480)
Cute  (482)
Dares  (469)
Dark  (468)
Darts  (473)
Desist  (1)
Dole  (675)
Dolt  (676)
Drape  (228)
Dreaming  (780)
Drinks  (270)
Drunks  (271)
Dulls  (679)
Dumb  (348)
Dump  (347)
Each  (495)
Ear  (496)
Earning  (799)
Earring  (797)
Eased  (724)
Easing  (785)
East  (719)
Easy  (720)
Enter  (814)
Erring  (796)
Escape  (688)
Escaped  (687)
Etch  (42)
Exist  (3)
Expand  (61)
Expanded  (65)
Expands  (66)
Expanse  (64)
Expend  (60)
Expends  (67)
Eyes  (6)
Faking  (776)
Fanny  (257)
Fart  (453)
Ferry  (171)
Fetch  (49)
Flan  (329)
Flanks  (264)
Fletch (50)
Floats  (709)
Flossed  (314)
Flunks  (263)
Flusters  (563)
Funky  (260)
Funny  (258)
Gas  (747)
Gash  (745)
Gasp  (746)
Gaze  (236)
Glossed  (312)
Goats  (710)
Grant  (133)
Grants  (549)
Granted  (550)
Grape  (229)
Grapes  (217)
Graze  (235)
Gripes  (218)
Grips  (219)
Groats  (711)
Gross  (310)
Grosse  (311)
Grouse  (309)
Grunted  (553)
Grunts  (132)
Hank  (283)
Hark  (463)
Harm  (455)
Harp  (461)
Hawk  (464)
Heals  (643)
Hear  (642)
Hearing  (795)
Hearings  (793)
Heats  (641)
Heck  (737)
Heels  (645)
Hell  (646)
Here  (176)
Herring  (794)
Hills  (669)
Hilt  (670)
Hitch  (298)
Hits  (299)
Honk  (332)
House  (307)
Hump  (344)
Hunky  (282)
Hurl  (479)
Hurts  (478)
Hutch  (290)
Ice  (422)
Iced  (423)
Ills  (668)
Imp  (108)
Impends  (69)
Inlet  (809)
Inner  (811)
Inset  (808)
Inter  (812)
Interest  (820)
Interested  (822)
Interests  (821)
Intern  (818)
Interns  (819)
Itch  (295)
Jam  (603)
Jelly  (649)
Jilts  (671)
Jolts  (672)
Junks  (262)
Ketch  (486)
Kinks  (269)
Lanky  (265)
Lard  (507)
Later  (201)
Layers  (200)
Leak  (55)
Leaked  (725)
Leech  (52)
Legal  (241)
Legate  (240)
Letch  (485)
Linnet  (810)
Lipped  (101)
Losses  (317)
Luster  (561)
Lusts  (560)
Mark  (741)
Mash  (744)
Mask  (742)
Matrons  (392)
Meal  (634)
Meat  (635)
Meld  (629)
Melts  (628)
Mere  (173)
Merry  (172)
Metre  (397)
Metres  (400)
Metric  (411)
Metro  (408)
Mice  (421)
Mitre  (398)
Mitres  (399)
Mole  (664)
Mouse  (308)
Mule  (666)
Mulls  (667)
Muster  (568)
Nanny  (254)
Neck  (732)
Oust  (559)
Owning  (802)
Pa  (497)
Pails  (621)
Paired  (529)
Palls  (622)
Panda  (84)
Pander  (83)
Pant  (325)
Pap  (498)
Parp  (457)
Parred  (530)
Parry  (531)
Part  (452)
Partly  (534)
Parts  (474)
Party  (532)
Past  (324)
Patrols  (394)
Patron  (393)
Payer  (189)
Pecks  (731)
Peers  (16)
Petrel  (396)
Petrol  (395)
Pike  (432)
Piles  (433)
Pimp  (109)
Pin  (110)
Pine  (446)
Plane  (328)
Planet  (327)
Plank  (330)
Plant  (326)
Plate  (208)
Players  (199)
Plonk  (331)
Posse  (318)
Post  (322)
Prayer  (192)
Preach  (717)
Prompt  (376)
Proms  (386)
Proof  (593)
Prop  (594)
Prunes  (129)
Punk  (261)
Punted  (554)
Push  (577)
Pusher  (575)
Pushy  (576)
Quad  (522)
Quart  (516)
Queers  (17)
Quiet  (439)
Quill  (519)
Quilt  (518)
Quilts  (438)
Quire  (526)
Quit  (440)
Quits  (441)
Raid  (90)
Ramp  (107)
Ranch  (285)
Rank  (284)
Rant  (134)
Ranted  (551)
Rasps  (106)
Reach  (716)
React  (718)
Reaming  (781)
Regal  (242)
Regale  (243)
Renal  (244)
Rented  (552)
Rents  (539)
Resist (2)
Retch  (43)
Retrick  (413)
Rice  (420)
Rind  (805)
Ring  (804)
Rinse  (806)
Ripper  (99)
Rips  (598)
Roaming  (779)
Romps  (374)
Roof  (592)
Rot  (591)
Rump  (367)
Runts  (131)
Rush  (580)
Sails  (620)
Sandal  (85)
Sander  (82)
Sandy  (86)
Sash  (753)
Sated  (210)
Scald  (685)
Scaled  (686)
Scam  (604)
Scamp  (114)
Scans  (610)
Scant  (611)
Scare  (689)
Scared  (503)
Scarp  (458)
Scary  (459)
Scone  (125)
Scopes  (501)
Score  (502)
Scrape  (225)
Scrappy  (95)
Scraps  (94)
Scrips  (220)
Scripts  (221)
Scrunch  (288)
Sear  (705)
Seers  (8)
Sender  (8)0)
Sexes  (5)
Sexist  (4)
Shack  (738)
Shall  (625)
Sham  (113)
Shank  (336)
Shard  (505)
Share  (177)
Shared  (504)
Shark  (462)
Sharp  (456)
Shear  (13)
Sheets  (640)
Shell  (626)
Sherry  (159)
Shirts  (477)
Shits  (302)
Short  (476)
Shush  (578)
Sinter  (815)
Sire  (527)
Sister  (816)
Skerry  (158)
Sketch  (44)
Sketchy  (45)
Slam  (605)
Slap  (499)
Slated  (209)
Slater  (202)
Sleet  (638)
Sleets  (639)
Slinks  (267)
Slinky  (266)
Slipper  (100)
Slope  (500)
Slush  (579)
Smack  (740)
Smartly  (535)
Smash  (743)
Smell  (631)
Smells  (627)
Smelly  (648)
Smelt  (662)
Smolt  (663)
Snare  (702)
Snared  (699)
Snarl  (701)
Sneaked  (726)
Sneaker  (727)
Soar  (706)
Soil  (619)
Soonest  (126)
Spam  (606)
Spams  (112)
Span  (111)
Spans  (608)
Spank  (607)
Spanks  (149)
Spared  (178)
Spark  (150)
Spate  (179)
Spayed  (184)
Speak  (56)
Speaks  (730)
Speaker  (729)
Spears  (14)
Sped  (57)
Speed  (58)
Spell  (647)
Spelt  (661)
Spend  (59)
Spends  (68)
Spike  (431)
Spills  (434)
Spilt  (435)
Spine  (447)
Spire  (448)
Spite  (445)
Spits  (444)
Spoil  (618)
Spoken  (430)
Spore  (450)
Sport  (451)
Sports  (475)
Sprayed  (197)
Sprayer  (193)
Sprayers  (198)
Squad  (523)
Squall  (520)
Square  (524)
Squat  (521)
Squire  (525)
Squirt  (517)
Staging  (774)
Stamp  (117)
Stank  (339)
Stares  (470)
Staring  (773)
Stark  (151)
Starry  (152)
Stars  (471)
Starts  (472)
Steaming  (787)
Stile  (427)
Stilts  (436)
Stolen  (428)
Stomp  (119)
Stone  (124)
Stones  (127)
Strain  (92)
Strap  (93)
Strapper  (97)
Strappy  (96)
Strayed  (195)
Strayers  (194)
Strick  (417)
Stripe  (596)
Strop  (595)
Struck  (418)
Struts  (588)
Stunk  (341)
Styled  (425)
Styles  (426)
Suits  (442)
Sward  (508)
Sweat  (636)
Sweets  (637)
Swords  (509)
Swore  (510)
Tack  (739)
Taking  (775)
Takings  (777)
Taming  (778)
Tamp  (118)
Tanks  (145)
Tapes  (216)
Tart  (515)
Tarts  (537)
Tartly  (536)
Tearing  (788)
Tease  (721)
Teasel  (722)
Teasing (786)
Tench  (41)
Terry  (153)
Tetchy  (46)
There  (175)
Threat  (713)
Throats  (712)
Thrush  (582)
Thrust  (583)
Thumb  (349)
Thump  (346)
Thunk  (273)
Tiled  (424)
Tinsel  (807)
Tits  (300)
Token  (429)
Tomb  (120)
Tome  (123)
Tort  (513)
Train  (91)
Tram  (600)
Tramp  (601)
Trash  (751)
Treat  (714)
Trims  (599)
Tripe  (597)
Trot  (590)
Truce  (419)
Trump  (345)
Trumpet  (370)
Trumps  (369)
Trunks  (272)
Truss  (587)
Trust  (586)
Truth  (589)
Tunes  (128)
Upends  (70)
Usher  (569)
Vetch  (489)
Wail  (614)
Wait  (613)
Walk  (466)
Want  (612)
Wash  (750)
Weaker  (728)
Wearing  (789)
Weasel  (723)
Wheels  (644)
Where  (174)
Wilts  (437)
Winter  (813)
Wired  (528)
Wort  (512)
Wreath  (715)
Wring  (803)
Yawning  (801)
Year  (12)
Yeast  (11)
Yes  (7)
Zits  (443)
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Same rules about nib?
Yes, I assume all the general rules would apply as before.
It's going better than I hoped/expected. 'spose I'll have to start a 'used' list soon :(

(that's the next word, not me answering myself)