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Change channel from web interface


New Member
Hey guys,

A search of the forum did not unearth a post relating to the function of changing channel via the web interface. Is this possible?

Also why is a restart required when adding programs to record?

No it's not currently possible. Af123 was looking into it a while ago, but as he's not mentioned it for a while I don't think it's coming any time soon.

The box needs a reboot because the database is locked. A reboot unlocks it and the new entries are added before it locks it up again.
The only way you can currently do anything like this is to use the poweron-channel package. With that, you can set a power-on channel and volume in the settings screen, then trigger a reboot from the diagnostics section..
It isn't awfully useful though...

There is a proof-of-concept solution for single digit channels too, but it isn't packaged up or generally available.
along the same lines, I've been trying to find the thread/post on the possibility of altering channel listings, and I ask if there's been any progress on this?