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Beta Change Factory Default to User Default


Active Member
Factory Reset is called Factory Default on the HDR.

This is a way to perform a quick reset for the HDR - it may not be suitable for all. I've not tested it well, so place it here for review, comments, suggestions and amendments. This restores your boot settings, bypassing the wizard and channel scan. It is a quick reset for the HDR when it's the same user/location/region.

This follows on from (probably replacing) https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/fox-t2-display-wizzard.11389/post-175730

Requires Custom Firmware

Set up WebIF/settings/boot settings to your preferred options including IP address etc.

Factory Default to User Default
Store schedule reservations
Create Backup
cd /var/lib/humaxtv
zip default-files-factory.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
cp -a setup.db default_setup.db
cp -a channel.db default_channel.db
zip default-files-user.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
So now the Factory Default will reset to your User Default instead!
Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default

Optionally restore schedule reservations
Select latest one to restore and follow prompts to restart

Restore Factory Default function
You should do this before passing the unit to someone else.
cd /var/lib/humaxtv
rm default_channel.db
rm default_setup.db
rm default-files-user.zip
Followed by Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default

Edit1: On occasions, there seems to an automatic reboot that seems to interrupt the above steps.
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I might be a bit slow here, I'm only firing on half a cylinder, but are you saying you've found where the factory defaults are stored?

I take it what you've written up is a procedure to follow rather than an actual package.

Are you sure /var/lib/humaxtv is a "safe" place to store persistent user data?

What is the boot-settings involvement in this?

None of this will help restore a WiFi link.
I might be a bit slow here, I'm only firing on half a cylinder, but are you saying you've found where the factory defaults are stored?
To be honest, I'm not sure what I've found. But it is very useful.
I take it what you've written up is a procedure to follow rather than an actual package.
Yes. But I'm passing the information on to fellow users to try at their own risk.
Are you sure /var/lib/humaxtv is a "safe" place to store persistent user data?
I don't know. Hence I placed the information here. Useful as a starting point for cavalier or knowledgeable users.
What is the boot-settings involvement in this?

None of this will help restore a WiFi link.
As you have more than one HDR, I suggest you try it. You may be pleasantly surprised. There is still a risk but if you find you don't like how Factory Default is affected, you can remove the files default_channel.db, default_setup.db, channel.db, setup.db, perform Factory Default to return to normal behaviour.

It may make the random startup wizard almost painless. The user may no longer get the mandatory prompts - only need to restore timer schedules. But I'm not sure how safe this procedure is, so it's not for beginners. Let the seasoned users try it out, kinda like beta testing.

I've created a basic script to perform the task.
Place it into /mod/usr/bin/set_factory_default.sh with execute permission.
Eg use WebIF/diag/FIle Editor/Create File followed by Make Executable.
# set_factory_default.sh
echo "Change set Factory Default"
echo " (Make sure the unit is not on a menu, guide/EPG, media, portal, settings, etc)"
echo "Options:"
echo "  1: modify it to Set User Default"
echo "  2: modify it to Set Factory Default"
echo " "

if [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "1" ] ;then
  cd /var/lib/humaxtv
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-factory.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  sqlite3 setup.db ".backup 'default_setup.db'"
  sqlite3 channel.db ".backup 'default_channel.db'"
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to User Defaults instead!"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot"
  echo "               on reboot"
  echo "               WebIF/Schedule/Backup&Restore"
  echo "               Select latest one to restore and follow prompts to restart"

elif [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "2" ] ;then
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_channel.db
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_setup.db
  rm -f /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to Factory Defaults"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot to the installation wizard"

  echo " "
  echo "No change"
Edit1: added the script near then end.
Last edited:
To be honest, I'm not sure what I've found. But it is very useful.

Yes. But I'm passing the information on to fellow users to try at their own risk.

I don't know. Hence I placed the information here. Useful as a starting point for cavalier or knowledgeable users.

As you have more than one HDR, I suggest you try it. You may be pleasantly surprised. There is still a risk but if you find you don't like how Factory Default is affected, you can remove the files default_channel.db, default_setup.db, channel.db, setup.db, perform Factory Default to return to normal behaviour.

It may make the random startup wizard almost painless. The user may no longer get the mandatory prompts - only need to restore timer schedules. But I'm not sure how safe this procedure is, so it's not for beginners. Let the seasoned users try it out, kinda like beta testing.

I've created a basic script to perform the task.
Place it into /mod/usr/bin/set_factory_default.sh with execute permission.
Eg use WebIF/diag/FIle Editor/Create File followed by Make Executable.
# set_factory_default.sh
echo "Change set Factory Default"
echo " (Make sure the unit is not on a menu, guide/EPG, media, portal, settings, etc)"
echo "Options:"
echo "  1: modify it to Set User Default"
echo "  2: modify it to Set Factory Default"
echo " "

if [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "1" ] ;then
  cd /var/lib/humaxtv
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-factory.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  sqlite3 setup.db ".backup 'default_setup.db'"
  sqlite3 channel.db ".backup 'default_channel.db'"
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to User Defaults instead!"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot"
  echo "               on reboot"
  echo "               WebIF/Schedule/Backup&Restore"
  echo "               Select latest one to restore and follow prompts to restart"

elif [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "2" ] ;then
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_channel.db
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_setup.db
  rm -f /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to Factory Defaults"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot to the installation wizard"

  echo " "
  echo "No change"
Edit1: added the script near then end.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I've found. But it is very useful.

Yes. But I'm passing the information on to fellow users to try at their own risk.

I don't know. Hence I placed the information here. Useful as a starting point for cavalier or knowledgeable users.

As you have more than one HDR, I suggest you try it. You may be pleasantly surprised. There is still a risk but if you find you don't like how Factory Default is affected, you can remove the files default_channel.db, default_setup.db, channel.db, setup.db, perform Factory Default to return to normal behaviour.

It may make the random startup wizard almost painless. The user may no longer get the mandatory prompts - only need to restore timer schedules. But I'm not sure how safe this procedure is, so it's not for beginners. Let the seasoned users try it out, kinda like beta testing.

I've created a basic script to perform the task.
Place it into /mod/usr/bin/set_factory_default.sh with execute permission.
Eg use WebIF/diag/FIle Editor/Create File followed by Make Executable.
# set_factory_default.sh
echo "Change set Factory Default"
echo " (Make sure the unit is not on a menu, guide/EPG, media, portal, settings, etc)"
echo "Options:"
echo "  1: modify it to Set User Default"
echo "  2: modify it to Set Factory Default"
echo " "

if [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "1" ] ;then
  cd /var/lib/humaxtv
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-factory.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  sqlite3 setup.db ".backup 'default_setup.db'"
  sqlite3 channel.db ".backup 'default_channel.db'"
  zip -q /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip  default_channel.db default_setup.db channel.db setup.db
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to User Defaults instead!"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot"
  echo "               on reboot"
  echo "               WebIF/Schedule/Backup&Restore"
  echo "               Select latest one to restore and follow prompts to restart"

elif [ "$INPUT_SEL" = "2" ] ;then
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_channel.db
  rm -f /var/lib/humaxtv/default_setup.db
  rm -f /mod/usr/default-files-user.zip
  echo " "
  echo "Menu Factory Default will reset to Factory Defaults"
  echo "Use Remote - menu/Settings/Installation/Factory Default to complete change"
  echo "             Select Yes to 'Do you want to reset all values to the factory default?'"
  echo "             DO NOT select the optional Format HDD option"
  echo "             The unit will reboot to the installation wizard"

  echo " "
  echo "No change"
Edit1: added the script near then end.
Did any of the more seasoned users ever try this proposed easement of the requirements resulting from the irritating recurrent 'wizard' on start-up?

And, if so, does it work - and is it safe to try for the less seasoned user who has tried the other remedies suggested in various posts to no avail? Seems to happen now on a 2-3 weekly recurrent basis for me.
I see no harm in giving it a go – perhaps you could test the procedure and report on your experience.
Did any of the more seasoned users ever try this proposed easement of the requirements resulting from the irritating recurrent 'wizard' on start-up?

And, if so, does it work - and is it safe to try for the less seasoned user who has tried the other remedies suggested in various posts to no avail? Seems to happen now on a 2-3 weekly recurrent basis for me.
I haven't tried it yet but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work,
Once proven it might be worth automating the copying so the it keeps up with the latest settings