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channel 116 Racing UK blocks HDR Video

Ezra Pound

Well-Known Member
I recently did a rescan to find channel 47 (4seven) and noticed another channel I had not seen before 116 Racing UK, If you select this program from the EPG you will see a sky blue screen with ‘Powered by:Connect-TV’ in the bottom right corner as it is not available on the Humax, however if I now pick another channel from the EPG say 1 BBC ONE I get the same sky blue screen overlaid on top of the BBC1 Video and the only way to clear it is put the Humax into standby, has anyone else seen this?

Note:- Programs entered directly from the Remote Number pad are not effected, Only via EPG
Yeah, found this a while ago and reported it over to Barry at the other forums. His suggestion is to delete the IPTV channels so it doesn't happen again..
Yep, I have come across this also. I got rid of the sky blue screen with the 'Powered by Connect-TV' message by deleting ALL IPTV channels, just deleting 1 or 2 IPTV channels did not work.
O.K. t looks like we need a 'Blacklist', here is a start 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116 are there any others?
What about 117 The Space.

I wasn't sure about that one, it is an IP-TV channel but it seems to have a different owner and it didn't mess up other channels when I tried it. However it doesn't work so it might as well be put on the list
I've had this happen as well whilst playing around. I tried powering down to standby but the epg still wouldn't work (as you say remote channel buttons and program up and down did). Ended up having to power off with the switch at the back.
An interesting thing to note about the space is that it's on the HD mux. Also, I can't even get this to work on my Viera TV, wheras the other IPTV channels (racing UK, Sports Tonight etc) do work.
The space is using the 5th hd channel space as the bbc has rented it out. Manufacturers have a choice of submitting their models as compatible/incompatible with the service per model. I have read in some cases that some sets were working, but were later blocked by the manufacturer. Maybe in error or maybe because they want to save that feature for a future model (like humax).
I discovered this problem today with Racing TV which is now on channel 231. Here's a list of all the Streamed Channels as per the change of 14/1/2013

226 CCTV
227 Sports
228 Christian
229 Connect 2
230 Vision 2
231 Racing TV
232 The Space
233 Showcase
234 Connect 4
235 God TV
236 Sony SAB

This from the FREEVIEW Channel Guide Winter 2012/13
I too have had this problem when playing around. I too also had to power off at the back to reset the box.

With regards The Space it's a shame we can't get this as it actually looks interesting (well for me anyway). If you look at the website it says "The Space is a digital arts service from Arts Council England and the BBC, bringing great theatre, concerts, opera, dance, film and more to every screen" http://thespace.org/

Any chance this could be added to the Custom Portal?????
No because it relies on mheg-IC (streaming) which our boxes do not currently support.
The same is true for all the iptv channels.

There is a rumour that humax are prepping an update that will upgrade the boxes browser for the new tv portal site functions. Whether this means that they will also upgrade the mheg software to enable streaming is something we will have to wait and see. I hope they do as it will future proof the box for a bit longer, but my gut feeling is that they won't as its a fairly hefty software change.
I can receive these channels on my TVonics HD500 PVR; though I have eliminated most of them. The Space is an interesting channel. Offers include:

Pericles in Greek
Cymbeline in Juba Arabic
The Two Gentlemen of Verona in Shona
Britten's War Requiem from Coventry Cathedral

as well as snippets, shorter pieces, documentary pieces and interviews. It is very eclectic and you do have to wade through the list to find something of interest to you.
