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cifs mount on HDR-Fox T2


New Member
I have the latest custom firmware on my HDR-Fox T2 and have installed the cifs package, but I am unable to mount a cifs volume which mounts ok on an Ubuntu machine on the same network:

hdrfoxt2# mount -t cifs // "/media/My Video/nas" -o username=username,password=password
mount: mounting // on /media/My Video/nas failed: No such device or address

hdrfoxt2# ls -al "/media/My Video/nas"
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 24 13:03 .

The mount also fails on my HD-Fox T2.
Thanks, that worked fine.

I had to change the share name from Volume_1 to Volume1 as the package/script changed the underscore to a /
I am having a similar problem. My command line to the Humax is:

mount -t cifs //192.168.0.nnn/Video/ MediaShare -o username=xxxxx,password=xxxxx
mount: mounting //192.168.0.nnn/Video/ on MediaShare failed: No such device or address​

MediaShare is a directory in 'My Video' created using mkdir.

Am I doing something wrong?
Am I doing something wrong?
mount -t cifs //192.168.0.nnn/Video/ MediaShare -o username=xxxxx,password=xxxxx
mount -t cifs //192.168.0.nnn/Video "/media/My Video/MediaShare" -o username=xxxxx,password=xxxxx,unc=\\\\192.168.0.nnn\\Video

mount is particularly stupid about having to specify the same info. twice in a slightly different format, but the Unix/Linux folk never really have embraced SMB networking properly.
Thank you, that seemed to do the trick! (It was the unc option that got it working. I was already in the media/My Video directory and had created the MediaShare folder.)