Do you think it will sort itself out?
Conflicts have been detected in your recording schedule on humax.
The following events conflict:
101 BBC ONE HD Mon 10/11/14 22:35 - 23:20: Drugs and Money: Dog Racing...
101 BBC ONE HD Mon 10/11/14 22:35 - 23:20: Have I Got a Bit More News for You
5 Channel 5 Mon 10/11/14 22:00 - 22:55: New: Under The Dome
Conflicts have been detected in your recording schedule on humax.
The following events conflict:
101 BBC ONE HD Mon 10/11/14 22:35 - 23:20: Drugs and Money: Dog Racing...
101 BBC ONE HD Mon 10/11/14 22:35 - 23:20: Have I Got a Bit More News for You
5 Channel 5 Mon 10/11/14 22:00 - 22:55: New: Under The Dome