Connecting to T2 with W10


The Dumb One
Having forgotten about how I copied from my 9300 to my T2, I decided to have a look at the filing system, as I have done before with my W7 machines, with my W10 machine. Needless to say I have problems, either because of W10 or my memory. On my W7 machine I had it as a mapped network drive, but can't do this on my W10 machine as it doesn't 'show up' in Browse window and if I try to connect to the same IP ( as the WebIF, it errors with "Windows cannot access" WebIF works fgine.
When I look in the Network part of Explorer It is 'not there'. Now I have read stuff about SMB and disabling SMB3&4, but I have already done this and it has 'allowed' my other computers, NAS etc to show up in 'Computers' And it is there as a media server.

That's enough of the background sh1t, so before I start poking around on my computer, the question is:
Please remind me of what needs to be running on the T2 to allow me to connect to it as a network drive.

PS. I can telnet into it OK and suspect it is deffo a 'samba thing'
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Assuming it's turned on, try turning the T2's content share setting off, then on again. Worked for me.
I had one PC I upgraded to Win 10 that caused me some problems, but the others have been fine. In Network and Sharing Centre on the PC, make sure that remote devices are not required to log in with a password protected account that exists on the host PC. Otherwise try turning the Samba server on the HDR-FOX off and on again (webif>services or command line) and give it a minute. If this does not work, reinstall the Samba package (webif>diagnostics or cmd line). Sometimes the connection just needs to be refreshed.
Assuming it's turned on, try turning the T2's content share setting off, then on again. Worked for me.
No it doesn't. At least not for the question as posed. If this forum had a Dislike button, I'd have clicked it.
Thanks for the replies chaps.
In Network and Sharing Centre on the PC, make sure that remote devices are not required to log in with a password protected account that exists on the host PC.
The only thing I can find similar to this is under Homegroups, which is set to Allow Windows to manage my homegroup connection. But I am not trying to connect throughg a homegroup. Where exactly is the setting to which you refer? BTW, W10 Home. Ah. Just tried on my W10Pro machine and there was the T2 when I browsed the network in Map network drive. Connected and listed files OK, so I know the problem is not on the T2 but with the stupid W10 samba thingy. I'll try my other W10Home and W10Pro machines (I have two of each) and I'll report back.
Otherwise try turning the Samba server on the HDR-FOX off and on again (webif>services or command line) and give it a minute.
I don't know how to do this, but it seems like the samba server on the T2 is OK. I'll be back in a few mins

Right checked my other W10 Pro machine (Surface Pro3) and it was there in the network browse box. Connected, listed all OK. On my main W10 Home machine, the one that started this stupidity, found if typed the full path \\FOXT2\Media\My Video it connected and listed OK. In fact it only needed \\FoxT2 in the path field for it to list in the network browse box.
My other W10Home lappy does not respond to this procedure, but I don't think that I have done the samba mod on that one which I have on the others. I'll try that and report back later after a reboot to install updates.
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