Copy files to Hummy HD


New Member
I have an old PVR9200 box that has a whole bunch of programmes on it that I have yet to watch.

Is it possible to copy the files from this box to my new HDR-FOX T2 and watch them from there so I can scrap the old box?

I am prepared to install the custom firmware if that helps.

I believe there is already a discussion about this... I'll see if I can find it. You don't actually need the custom firmware.
If I were doing this, I would take the old disk out of the 9200 and connect it to a PC.
Then I'd use HumaxRW to copy the files off the disk onto PC storage.
Next I'd try running the .TS files through AV2HDR-T2 to generate the other associated files, if necessary.
Finally FTP the whole lot to the T2.
Something like that anyway. I haven't actually done it... not having a 9200 and a T2 in the same physical location.
Thanks for all the advice, guys.

I'll give it a go at the weekend and report on how it went.
