Corrupt HDD


The HDD in one of my little used HDRs has gone seriously corrupt with nearly four-thousand multiply-claimed blocks. I left fix-disc (option1) running for 24 hours and I am sure it was working correctly, but the last message was that it was cloning multiply-claimed blocks (whatever that is) and repairing files in my [Deleted Items] folder.

Everything is now in [Deleted Items], so I crashed out of fix-disk and tried deleting the folder so that fix-disk could focus on the structure of the drive.

Deleting on the box produced the Deleting.... loop. Deleting via webif did not work either. Nor can I reformat on the HDD on the box - it claims the drive (original 1tb) is too big. I had to use some cli commands from another thread to break the loop first.

With nothing to lose, I tried forcibly deleting the [Deleted Items] folder via Telnet. This did not work as the files now appear to be read-only. Here my very limited knowledge and Linux crib sheet reached our limit.

Can one of the experts please advise me of the best course of action? I have fix-disk running again at the moment as a fall-back, but it will probably take days based on past performance and the degree of corruption, as it tries to recover unwanted files.

I also found similar corruptions on HDR 3, but fix-disk resolved these OK. It does raise the question as to why the drives are getting in such a mess? My main box was similarly afflicted a couple of weeks ago. Could this be something in the latest firmwares? Certainly I have not seen this this degree of corruption previously. I run fix-disk every month or so just in case there are issues.

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IIRC you can overcome the "disk too big" problem by dropping into maintenance mode first.

I crashed out of fix-disk and tried this. Maintenance mode appears to disable the remote.

Is there a cli code to deep format the sda2 partition?

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I found some advice from prpr on another thread and remove custom firmware and settings via the diagnostics page. This allowed me to format the drive from the Humax menu. Thanks prpr.

I have reinstalled the custom firmware and fix-disk is dealing with the residual errors. I only hope that crashing out of fix-disk several times has not caused further problems.

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I don't understand why you have residual errors after formatting the disk using the Humax menus. Surely this reinitialises all the filesystems, so what is there to fix?
The only point of fixing is to preserve your recordings (and CF setup) otherwise you format and start with a clean slate.
I found some advice from prpr on another thread and remove custom firmware and settings via the diagnostics page. This allowed me to format the drive from the Humax menu. Thanks prpr.
That was it. I knew there was a way (which is half the battle).
I don't have the Telnet log, so I may not have the correct terminology, but there were dozens of incorrect block or inode sizes and 6 multiply-claimed blocks in the main partition.

Fix-disk sorted them all out in about 20 minutes. I was not watching all the time, so there may have been more errors.

I ran fix-disk a second time, just to reassure myself before putting the packages back and it whistled through in about five minutes.

Given that the Humax format only takes a few minutes, I am guessing that it is the equivalent of quick format in Windows. A 1tb drive will quick format in minutes, but a full format takes hours.

Edit: I just remembered that it also found a lot of incorrect counts and allocated dozens of them to lost+found. I don't know what this means.

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