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Crash - wait then reboot in 10 seconds......


New Member
......repeatedly with CFW loaded.

I've checked a few threads from other posters and conclude that this can be caused by a schedule or an HDD problem. The first thing I did was to reload 1.03.12. After this I got constant rebooting.

I am reluctant to lift the lid to disconnect the HDD as this box is under warranty and the void sticker is intact!

One question. On applying power to the box, should I hear the HDD spin up? It's early Sunday morning and dead quiet so I would hear it. I hear nothing.

What is my next step?
Usual question. Have you changed or added anything to your network recently?

Some DLNA servers, TWONKY v7.x for example, are know to cause this issue.
Sorry, meant to mention that first thing was to try with network cable disconnected. Still quietly rebooting.............
The Crash/wait/rebooting on the front panel is a CFW feature. It's still the standard Humax software that has crashed but the CFW tries to make sure everything is written to disk etc. and cleans up as much as possible before allowing the reboot. As you found, with stock firmware it just goes straight for the restart.

If you don't manage to resolve it with the steps Black Hole has referenced, there are still a couple of other things to try. Follow the steps in order but given that it's crashing so early, I'd guess that system flush will sort it for you.
The Crash/wait/rebooting on the front panel is a CFW feature. It's still the standard Humax software that has crashed but the CFW tries to make sure everything is written to disk etc. and cleans up as much as possible before allowing the reboot. As you found, with stock firmware it just goes straight for the restart.

If you don't manage to resolve it with the steps Black Hole has referenced, there are still a couple of other things to try. Follow the steps in order but given that it's crashing so early, I'd guess that system flush will sort it for you.

Thanks to Black Hole, I have managed to get the box up and working again using section 1.

Now installed the CSW again and using Putty have run the disk-fix as per section 2.

The putty and disk-fix logs show that a lot of fixing seemed to have occurred in the 'inodes' bit.

As I still haven't posted enough yet, I cannot upload any files. Is there anything I should be looking for?
Sadly, the box got another attack of the reboots, but I managed to keep it up long enough to reset it to RMA mode and reload 1.03.12 ready to return for a refund.

I cannot recommend Humax grade A boxes. My first lasted 4 months before dying. The second would not set up on arrival and this one, the third, has had fits of the reboots since it arrived less than a week ago. Perhaps I'm just unlucky! My Foxsat HDR just keeps going though.............