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Custom Firmware 3 without upgrading to Humax Firmware 1.03.12?



I have an issue, when I upgraded to Humax Firmware 1.03.12 I had problems with recording BBC3 and BBC4 SD (Not the HD issue, I did post elsewhere on the subject) to solve the problem I had to down grade to Humax Firmware 1.03.06. If I install Custom Firmware 3 and if I've read this forum correct it will upgrade me to Humax Firmware 1.03.12 and I am at risk of the BBC3/4 SD issue returning.

Is there anyway I can upgrade to Custom Firmware 3 without upgrading to Humax Firmware 1.03.12? I was hoping to wait until or if a Humax Firmware upgrade above 1.03.12 arrived.

Whilst I'm posting can anyone direct me to a suitable forum to ask advice about the web interface or a place to suggest a feature, I've looked around but didn't see anything appropriate.
I think you'll be waiting a very long time for Humax firmware above 1.03.12. There is no currently acknowledged issued that Humax are likely to be working on. iPlayer works, and although the EPG is slow it's not clear Humax regard that as a bug. Even if they did, a bug worth putting an update out for? I doubt it. Look how long it took to get an HD Fox T2 update which fixed BBC 3/4 HD recording and restored iPlayer functionality.
Is there anyway I can upgrade to Custom Firmware 3 without upgrading to Humax Firmware 1.03.12? I was hoping to wait until or if a Humax Firmware upgrade above 1.03.12 arrived.
If the is a genuine need for it, I imagine af123 would be prepared to roll one out for you. I find it hard to believe you have a problem that can't be fixed though, give us a link to your previous topic.

Whilst I'm posting can anyone direct me to a suitable forum to ask advice about the web interface or a place to suggest a feature, I've looked around but didn't see anything appropriate.
Right here! This is the place, and the only place. The relevant topic for the current revision of the WebIF is here: http://hummy.tv/forum/threads/webif-web-interface-version-1-2-1-released.6053/
I have an issue, when I upgraded to Humax Firmware 1.03.12 I had problems with recording BBC3 and BBC4 SD (Not the HD issue, I did post elsewhere on the subject) to solve the problem I had to down grade to Humax Firmware 1.03.06. If I install Custom Firmware 3 and if I've read this forum correct it will upgrade me to Humax Firmware 1.03.12 and I am at risk of the BBC3/4 SD issue returning.
It sounds like the same bug that afflicts the HD channels, which is now fixed with the latest auto-unprotect package.
Of course, this doesn't work on SD recordings, so I guess you could just run the fixencflags diagnostic.
You probably only need to do this for the first recording after a retune (on each channel?), so it's hardly onerous and no real reason for not updating to the latest firmware.
Of course, this doesn't work on SD recordings, so I guess you could just run the fixencflags diagnostic.
The new one will fix SD recordings too. The code is all readable if you're interested - /mod/etc/recmon.d/auto-unprotect which calls /mod/sbin/unprotect.
If the is a genuine need for it, I imagine af123 would be prepared to roll one out for you. I find it hard to believe you have a problem that can't be fixed though, give us a link to your previous topic.

I post the BBC3/4 SD problem here
but the post differed in to the BBC3/4 HD problem. The only solution I found at the time was to downgrade to Humax Firmware 1.03..06.

Thanks for your help
Private61 specifically wants 1.03.06 - presumably for the benefit of the TV Portal functionality but without his perceived difficulties with 1.03.12. Several of us think his problems with .12 can be resolved using custom firmware fixes, and in any case .06 came with its own problems recording BBC THREE HD, BBC FOUR HD, CBBC HD...
Private61 specifically wants 1.03.06 - presumably for the benefit of the TV Portal functionality but without his perceived difficulties with 1.03.12. Several of us think his problems with .12 can be resolved using custom firmware fixes, and in any case .06 came with its own problems recording BBC THREE HD, BBC FOUR HD, CBBC HD...

I agree, I see no point in Custom Firmware for 1.03.06, it brings nothing to the table.

I think people are a little off track on what I'm referring to. I'd like to run the latest firmware Humax or Custom to keep up today, but Humax Firmware 1.03.012 caused a problem when recording from BBC3/4 in SD NOT the HD issues discussed elsewhere. I only wish to avoid these problems and hence avoid 1.03.12 which means using 1.03.06.

Now if I could upgrade to Custom Firmware 3.xx without using Humax 1.03.12 I would, but if I understand the process correctly using Humax 1.03.12 with Custom 3.02 will give me the latest Custom Firmware, great, but also with Humax Firmware 1.03.12 with the possible BBC3/4 SD issue.

prpr has given some advice which I will look at soon, but I will only be able to prove it by upgrading to Humax 1.03.12 and if it fails I'm back to square one. I must admit I was hoping that I could apply a Custom Firmware upgrade which didn't use 1.03.12 and leave me on 1.03.06 until or if we get another Humax Firmware upgrade past 1.03.12.

The suggestion of use upgrade Humax 1.02.32 with Custom 3.02 will down grade the Humax to 1.02.32, if so that's not an option, but thanks for the suggestion.

Hope this makes it a little clear as to my problem.
We still think you should be debugging your problem with 1.03.12/3.02 - that's the way forward, and you'll get help. This StDef problem is not something other people have reported, so it needs looking into.

You do still presumably have your copy of the 1.03.06/2.?? update files, so you have a way back to where you are now.
We understand your problem perfectly Private61. We just don't think your solution makes sense. 1.03.06 brings nothing to the table, it has a slow EPG and it also has the BBC3/4 HD recording problems and broken iPlayer. If you have trouble recording BBC 3/4 SD with 1.03.12 then why not record the HD versions instead? You have posted nothing which implies you can't do that. Why can't you try the custom firmware solution for BBC 3/4 SD recording problems?

EDIT: why isn't downgrading to 1.02.32 Humax firmware an option? Unless you have an RE box with vertical RF sockets this should work fine. Your EPG will be a lot faster than 1.03.06 as well.
I've taken on board your comments and will as soon as I can try the latest combination and see if the problem returns, if so I'll try your suggested solutions.

As an aside, I do not use the HD at present as I transcode the recordings for archive and use in other equipment so loose any advantage of the HD. Also I'm not currently using a HD TV, yes I know it old but lack of money says I have to wait.
I've taken on board your comments and will as soon as I can try the latest combination and see if the problem returns, if so I'll try your suggested solutions.

As an aside, I do not use the HD at present as I transcode the recordings for archive and use in other equipment so loose any advantage of the HD. Also I'm not currently using a HD TV, yes I know it old but lack of money says I have to wait.

You could transcode HD instead of SD, and the HD is a higher quality source so should probably produce better quality output from the transcoding. Two lots of lossy encoding is bad, if one of them is higher quality then it hurts less.

EDIT: also watching HD channels on an SD telly should give a better picture than watching SD channels. Again this is because SD is more compressed.

The bitrate per pixel is higher in most SD transmissions but the codec (mpeg2) can not compress so efficiently, HD with higher compression levels can use smaller bitrate more efficiently.

As long as the resolution is as high or higher that mine all should be well the final quality then will depend on my codec and the transcoding software I use. It's a case of small files providing suitable levels for my needs at present.

When I make the shift to HD files I swop codecs and use an H264 compliant version such as x264. The HD broadcasts use an H264 compliant codec I think AVC version.
It depends on the TV channel. For the BBC yes SD probably does what you need. But ITV1 SD looks dreadful, which matches the low bit rate it is broadcast at. ITV1 HD looks far better even when watched in SD.

But this wasn't really my point. If you have trouble recording BBC 3/4 SD then why not record BBC 3/4 HD to do the same job if they work?
If you have trouble recording BBC 3/4 SD then why not record BBC 3/4 HD to do the same job if they work?
I have sympathy with that - the PC I have would struggle to transcode a HiDef recording in any reasonable time, if at all.

I really think the current discussion deserves to be in a topic of its own, especially as this is a pinned topic about something else. "BBC3/4 SD Recordings Fail on 1.03.12" - what about it, mods?

Edited to add quote for context
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