• The forum software that supports hummy.tv has been upgraded to XenForo 2.3!

    Please bear with us as we continue to tweak things, and feel free to post any questions, issues or suggestions in the upgrade thread.

Custom Firmware - Video Guide


If anyone is interested, I've got around to creating a video showing the custom firmware in action.. including how to install it from scratch. There's one long video, and I've also broken it down into 6 parts.

apologies if im in the wrong section
and as its been 10 months since anyone has posted here im wondering
does sky player still work?

ive had the humax HDR box for 2 years and only just connected it to my internet lol
i do have a jailbroken appletv2 box and run xbmc so get every thing from there apart from sky player/sky go
i also run sky go on 4 devices, an imac, an ipad, and 2 iphones
the 2 device limit is easily broken by changing device udid's

i can also airplay skygo from imac to atv with out any stress or problems so just wondering is it really worth messing with the humax box
any help is greatly appreciated Lee
looks very good, especially for the technically challenged like me, has anybody actually had any issues with Humax over the G'tee with this installed?
If anyone is interested, I've got around to creating a video showing the custom firmware in action.. including how to install it from scratch.

You just reminded me of an ambiguity in the on-screen instructions. When the installation completes, the prompt is to press the power button to restart. There is no indication of whether you should remove the USB drive before doing so or after.

It is safe to remove the USB drive before restarting.
I've always removed it just before restarting. At the last upgrade I tried removing it after download while it was installing. There were no ill-effects.
The Wiki instructions say:
  • When the update is complete End will appear on the front display and Success Downloading! will appear on the TV
  • Unplug the USB Flash Device containing the HDR_FOX_T2_Upgrade.hdf file
  • Reconnect any other USB devices e.g. Wi-Fi adapter, Hard disk Drives etc. (ensure that the HDF file is not present)
  • Press the big button on the front again to restart with the new firmware

I understand that it's not just safe to remove the USB drive but essential, otherwise the box will see the HDF file and you have a personal Groundhog Day ahead :confused:
understand that it's not just safe to remove the USB drive but essential, otherwise the box will see the HDF file and you have a personal Groundhog Day ahead :confused:
That is correct, It's like a P.C.looking for a CD / DVD in the drive and booting from it if it is present