Custom Portal update blocked by deleted portal-xtra1


New Member
First post after being invisible for several years. So much useful info from knowledgable people.

When I try the upgrade though the web-if, it says completed, but the web-if stops responding. When I reboot and try the upgrade from the CLI, I got the following output:

Upgrading custom-portal on root from 1.12 to 1.12-1...
Configuring lighttpd.
Configuring jim.
Configuring jim-oo.
Configuring jim-sqlite3.
Configuring jim-cgi.
Configuring jim-binary.
Configuring epg.
Configuring hmt.
Configuring cron-daemon.
Configuring at.
Configuring anacron.
Configuring nicesplice.
Configuring rsvsync.
Configuring tcpping.
Configuring e2fsprogs.
Configuring wireless-tools.
Configuring dbupdate.
Configuring recmon.
Configuring hwctl.
Configuring tweak.
Configuring nugget.
Configuring webif.
startstop: 7846
realloc: 0
hours: 3864
spinretry: 0
pending: 0
offline: 0
/mod/var/opkg/info/webif.postinst: line 72: at: not found
Configuring poweron-channel.
Configuring redring.
Configuring mediatomb.
Configuring auto-unprotect.
2016-10-26 11:54:45 INFO: Loading configuration from: /mod/mediatomb/config/config.xml
/mod/var/opkg/info/auto-unprotect.postinst: line 3: pkill: not found
2016-10-26 11:54:45 INFO: Checking configuration...
2016-10-26 11:54:45 INFO: Setting filesystem import charset to ASCII
Configuring smartmontools.
2016-10-26 11:54:46 INFO: Setting metadata import charset to ASCII
2016-10-26 11:54:46 INFO: Setting playlist charset to ASCII
2016-10-26 11:54:46 INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
Collected errors:
* check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with custom-portal:
* check_conflicts_for: portal-xtra1 *

I have removed portal-xtra1 and rebooted. It doesn't apprear in the installed packages list, but there are a couple of errors showing in the script output above that may have something to do with the problem.

I'm on :

Web interface version: 1.3.2-8
Custom firmware version: 3.10 (build 2734)
Humax Version: 1.03.12 (kernel HDR_CFW_3.10)
Loader Version: a7.30
System ID: 80bc.7e00

Any help would be much appreciated.
I understood I need to replace portal-xtra1 (already installed years ago) with portal-new when I upgraded to the lastest firmware, as portal-xtra1 isn't supported by the latest firmware. However, I only discovered that after I had updated the firmware and was trying to update custom-portal, so I am trying to remove portal-xtra1 and replace it with portal-new. The remove appears to work, but obviously some remnant of it exists to block the custom-portal update.

I assume there would be some benefits with custom-portal.
custom-portal is not compatible with 1.03 firmware (which uses different web browser code from 1.02). new-portal is the only customised portal that is compatible with 1.03; custom-portal and portal-xtra1 are only compatible with 1.02 (and earlier). There's a pretty good argument for removing them from the repository, but some people still use 1.02 (it has advantages and disadvantages over 1.03, take your pick). af123 - how about making the compatibility clear in the package notes on the package management page?

The customised portals were experiments in what could be done, and at one time Sky subscribers could access the Sky catch-up or sports (I forget the details) that way by hooking through some development Humax code that was discovered on their web site. That route is no longer available.

I strongly recommend researching existing discussion on any package, on the wiki and the forum, before just installing it - let alone the portal packages! You might at least check whether it is worth persisting with.
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OK. Thanks for the explanation. The T2 had been relegated to a bedroom about 3 years ago when I bought a Humax Youview STB. That finally went into a recycling skip after the 3rd hard disk failed combined with the soul-destroying EPG. I dragged the T2 back downstairs and updated the firmware, which obviously caught napping some of the other installed packages. I'll have a tidy up.