I've just uploaded a customised HDF file for the HDR Fox T2 & HD Fox T2.
If you use them, then you do so entirely at your own risk.
The latest files can always be found on the Wiki at http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Firmware_Downloads. These are links to the latest files. Please use these in preference to any links found in this thread.
I've kept the modifications down to a minimum but this image supports adding software via a package management system (opkg), and additional software is installed on to the hard disk straight from a software repository on the Internet.
Our twitter feed automatically publishes details of new and updated packages.

To install on the HDR Fox T2 (see further down for the HD variant as the instructions differ slightly):
If you have used a non-telnet version, then to install a telnet server to enable remote access:
An update will be required first to populate the local repository:
Installing a package is easy now:
The first package you will probably want to install is busybox. That adds a number of missing commands including a basic pager (more/less) and basic vi clone. If you want more functionality then other packages are available such as vim-tiny. Use opkg list to see what is available. The general rule is that if you don't know what a package does, then you probably don't need it.
I've also created a test/play web interface which you can install as af123-webif. I'm not a web developer so don't expect miracles, but if you install it and point a browser (preferably FireFox) at your humax you will see a starting point. You'll notice that all required dependencies are also pulled in during installation.
Have fun. Remember, the Humax doesn't have a lot of memory (128Mb) and running too much could prevent it from doing its real job properly. Having said that, I've selected all of these utilities and packages for their small footprint - for example the vim-tiny editor is only 588K
If you use them, then you do so entirely at your own risk.
The latest files can always be found on the Wiki at http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Firmware_Downloads. These are links to the latest files. Please use these in preference to any links found in this thread.
I've kept the modifications down to a minimum but this image supports adding software via a package management system (opkg), and additional software is installed on to the hard disk straight from a software repository on the Internet.
Our twitter feed automatically publishes details of new and updated packages.

To install on the HDR Fox T2 (see further down for the HD variant as the instructions differ slightly):
- Download HDR_FOX_T2_upgrade.hdf and put it on the root of a FAT32 formatted USB drive.
- Turn off the Humax and wait until the disk stops spinning (there's a click as it powers down).
- Plug the USB drive into the front USB port on the Humax.
- Turn on the TV and set it to the Humax input.
- Start up the Humax using the big button on the front.
- The screen should show a software update being applied.
- It is safe to unplug the USB drive once the downloading phase is finished and programming begins. Programming takes 2-3 minutes.
- Download HD_FOX_T2_upgrade.hdf and put it on the root of a FAT32 formatted USB drive.
- Turn off the Humax and wait until the disk stops spinning (there's a click as it powers down).
- Plug the USB drive into the back USB port on the Humax (you'll have to unplug any disk you have in there already).
- Turn on the TV and set it to the Humax input.
- Unplug the Humax and, holding down the power button, plug it back in again.
- The screen should show a software update being applied.
If you have used a non-telnet version, then to install a telnet server to enable remote access:
- Download utelnetd_0.1.9_mipsel.opk
- Place this file into the root of a FAT32 formatted USB drive and rename it to utelnetd_0.1.9_mipsel.opk.auto
- With the Humax turned on and running, plug the USB drive into a USB port on the Humax.
- The telnet package will install automatically and be renamed to utelnetd_0.1.9_mipsel.opk.done - an installation log file will also be created on the USB drive named utelnetd_0.1.9_mipsel.opk.log
- At this point, if everything has worked properly, you will be able to telnet to the Humax on the standard telnet port (23).
An update will be required first to populate the local repository:
humax# opkg update
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /mod/var/opkg/base.
Installing a package is easy now:
humax# gzip
-/bin/sh: gzip: not found
humax# opkg install gzip
Installing gzip (1.2.4) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/gzip_1.2.4_mipsel.opk.
Configuring gzip.
humax# gzip
gzip: compressed data not written to a terminal. Use -f to force compression.
For help, type: gzip -h
The first package you will probably want to install is busybox. That adds a number of missing commands including a basic pager (more/less) and basic vi clone. If you want more functionality then other packages are available such as vim-tiny. Use opkg list to see what is available. The general rule is that if you don't know what a package does, then you probably don't need it.
I've also created a test/play web interface which you can install as af123-webif. I'm not a web developer so don't expect miracles, but if you install it and point a browser (preferably FireFox) at your humax you will see a starting point. You'll notice that all required dependencies are also pulled in during installation.
humax# opkg install af123-webif
Installing af123-webif (0.1) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/af123-webif_0.1_mipsel.opk.
Installing mongoose (2.11) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/mongoose_2.11_mipsel.opk.
Installing jim-sqlite3 (0.71) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/jim-sqlite3_0.71_mipsel.opk.
Installing jim (0.71) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/jim_0.71_mipsel.opk.
Installing sqlite3 (3.7.6) to root...
Downloading http://hummypkg.org.uk/hdrfoxt2/base/sqlite3_3.7.6_mipsel.opk.
Configuring sqlite3.
Configuring mongoose.
Configuring jim.
Configuring jim-sqlite3.
Configuring af123-webif.
Loading config file /mod/etc/mongoose.conf
Mongoose web server v.2.11 started on port(s) 80 with web root [/mod/var/mongoose/html,/media=/media,/cgi-bin=/mod/var/mongoose/cgi-bin,/images=/opt/share/images/blue]
Have fun. Remember, the Humax doesn't have a lot of memory (128Mb) and running too much could prevent it from doing its real job properly. Having said that, I've selected all of these utilities and packages for their small footprint - for example the vim-tiny editor is only 588K