i dont have the same box as you so cant check what options are on it but is one of the games/applications listed something like "http" or "web", use this as this should forward port 80 which is what normal web pages are usually accessed through. then the device would be your hummy.
if nothing like that is listed then follow second half of the first link and tell it to forward port 80 to port 80 and name the custom application as http or whatever. you can then select this custom application to then go to your device. its should be like what you've been used to in the past except it is separating out the ports bit first then selecting the destination device
if nothing like that is listed then follow second half of the first link and tell it to forward port 80 to port 80 and name the custom application as http or whatever. you can then select this custom application to then go to your device. its should be like what you've been used to in the past except it is separating out the ports bit first then selecting the destination device