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Decrypt option not available from Web-IF


Hi, I purchased a 2nd HDR-T2 and just got around to installing the latest custom firmware - HDR_FOX_T2_1.03.12_mod_2.23 - and some packages such as auto-unprotect 1.09 (this custom firmware went on a unit that came with 1.03.06).

Despite several complete power downs and allowing time for the unit to scan a few test HD recordings, the decrypt option is never shown in the Web-IF. I also tried a fix 're-scan' from the diagnostics by entering the suggested command to allow files to be re-scanned for flag resetting. Still no show of the decrypt icon.

Any ideas what could be wrong? I never had any issues with my older original humax running a much older version of custom firware and packages. I tried searching this forum to find an answer but guess I did not know what to seach for.

In Web-If, have you flagged the 'My Video' folder for recursive autodecrypt, or is it this option that is not available? In Web-If>Diagnostics are there entries in the auto.log file?
If content share is switched on on the box (DLNA server), auto-unprotect is installed and the My Video folder is flagged for recursive autodecrypt, it is probably an issue with crontabs. This should be fixed by doing a forced reinstall of Web-If, through Web-If >Diagnostics or using Telnet if necessary.

Edit. See the link here: it was lurking in a thread about the foxlink package.
Thanks for the replies. Back on the old box at present as it's recording so will check the new box when I can. This was a fresh install on the custom f/w, web-if and a tiny selection of packages. I do not believe I turned on content sharing or recursive decrypt - do I need to? I would be happy with a manual ability to select a single HD file for decrypt rather than have the box do it when other things may be going on.
I'll know more when I can look at the new box - I do not want to interrupt the current recording.
I force re-installed the web-fi, content sharing is off (it was on) - the auto.log after a diagnostics is zero bytes. From the web-if, media files, the +opt icon is grey and the decyrpt option is not there. I've got these packages installed - even tried a re-install of these.

Info 1.0.9
Info 0.2
Info 1.0.2
Info 0.10
Info 2013.1.13-2
Info 1.0

I enabled debug info for the auto.log and did a general diagnosis:
>>> Contents of /mod/tmp/auto.log 889 bytes

26/05/2014 00:00 - -------------------------------------------------------
26/05/2014 00:00 - DLNA Server is NOT running.
26/05/2014 00:00 - Media scan starting, DLNA server status: 0
26/05/2014 00:00 - Dustbin:
26/05/2014 00:00 - Root device: 2050
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - decrypt scan completed in 0.017 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - dedup scan completed in 0.014 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - shrink scan completed in 0.013 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - mpg scan completed in 0.015 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - mp3 scan completed in 0.014 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - [/media/My Video]
26/05/2014 00:00 - expire scan completed in 0.013 seconds.
26/05/2014 00:00 - Media scan completed in 0.17 seconds.
Thanks Ezra - I did that and the decrypt option was there against the two recordings!
As an experiment I did not decrypt them but turned content sharing back off and shut the box down and restarted. The web-if still shows the decyrpt options for both files. So, has something now changed and all is ok, at least for these two files, or does content sharing have to be on for all new recordings to show the decrypt option? I did not see mention of this against the packages as a requirement, but many things have changed and there have been many improvements since my old box and s/w so it's all new and strange to me at present.
As anyone would know if they read the blurb.

The WebIF OPT+ decrypt option will be greyed out if the file conditions are not correct (eg it is already decrypted), but I don't think the status of the DLNA server is checked.
Sorry I missed the content sharing 'must be on' in the 'Things Every... (click) section 5' you posted - it was late (midnight) and I did click on the link but missed it. I did try and find the answer before asking, but even from the wiki links and other searches, I missed that important info. Strangely it was on initially, but some part of the reinstall of the webif or other applets sorted it once that option was turned back on. Thanks again.