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Decrypt using Web-if


Bought my HDR-FOX T2 two weeks ago, and immediately installed the custom firmware. Everything seems to be working fine EXCEPT that I can't get Decrypt to work.

I go to "Browse Media files", drill down into the folder containing an HD recording. I tick the file, and click on OPT+. "Decrypt" (and "Crop" and "Split") are greyed out. Now, I'd read somewhere hereabouts that a file must be "unprotected" before it can be decrypted, so I've included "Auto-Unprotect" in my firmware package. It's made no difference.

Obviously I'm a newbie and I've missed something obvious.

Best Regards
ps. Incidentally, if I click on the file itself to get "Media details", I notice that under "Flags" it says "New ODEncrypted", if that's any diagnostic use.
Have you enabled Content Sharing in the Humax menus? That's required for decryption to work.
I don't have Content Sharing set on my HD box, but I do have Virtual Disk installed. Would that not work on the HDR?
Thanks for the quick reply ! I searched my pdf version of the manual for "Content Sharing", "Sharing", and "Share", but to no avail. Can you help a bit more by specifying whereabouts in the menus that option resides. Sorry to be a pain.

Best Regards
4291, you've lost me on the Virtual Disk suggestion. Are you saying that I must have a Virtual Disk installed before Decrypt will work ?

Best Regards
This came in an update after the manuals were produced - it's here
  • Menu > System > Internet Settings > Content Share
Are you saying that I must have a Virtual Disk installed before Decrypt will work ?

Content Sharing is how the Webif decrypts during the download (by using the DLNA streaming stuff and saving the data as it comes down), the Virtual Disk was the previous way to trick the Hummy into thinking it was copying to USB (and hence Decrypt unprotected SD files and HD if the flag had been removed) without having to actually find a USB drive to plug in.
4291, you've lost me on the Virtual Disk suggestion. Are you saying that I must have a Virtual Disk installed before Decrypt will work ?

Best Regards
Sorry to add to your confusion. It was a general question not aimed at you.
Thanks, oijonesy, for your explanation.
I don't have Content Sharing set on my HD box, but I do have Virtual Disk installed. Would that not work on the HDR?
It would work on the HDR-FOX, but isn't necessary.

Quick summary: content can be decrypted by either handset OPT+ copy to USB (or a virtual disk pretending to be a USB drive), or by passing it through the DLNA streaming server and saving it somewhere - either across the network to a PC (using the WebIF download option), or "in place" (using the WebIF decrypt option, or background decryption). In either case HiDef recordings need to be prepared first (using Foxy or Clear Enc for OPT+ copy, or auto-unprotect for streaming).

HD-FOX does not have a streaming server, so the OPT+ copy option is the only possibility (and even then only with the custom software installed and in "HDR Mode"). In order to make use of the HDR-FOX's streaming capability, content sharing needs to be enabled.
Thanks to Brian and all for the clarifying discussion. Setting that flag did indeed enable Decrypt.

Thanks again,
Are you saying that virtual disk is not required to decrypt recordings? So long as auto-unprotect & unencrypt are both installed. If so why don't I get the [DEC] logo against all my recordings. I only get this if I install virtual disk and decrypt using opt+ on a recording with remote or webif. I think I must have missed something here:confused: Ahh may be unencrypt is not the same as decrypt?
Are you saying that virtual disk is not required to decrypt recordings? So long as auto-unprotect & unencrypt are both installed. If so why don't I get the [DEC] logo against all my recordings. I only get this if I install virtual disk and decrypt using opt+ on a recording with remote or webif. I think I must have missed something here:confused: Ahh may be unencrypt is not the same as decrypt?

No you don't need the virtual disk (it was needed only in the early days before auto-uncrypt). Unencrypt was changed to only work between 1 and 6 am to prevent CPU overloading and the Humax must be out of standby at this time, this is documented in the WiKi HERE. You can also decrypt on a on off basis in the Web-If by using the decrypt command detailed HERE