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Disable-OTA Reminder to Record


New Member
I have a really strange sleep schedule due to some insomnia issues, and I am often still awake at the 4:20 Disable-OTA event added to the schedule by the Addon.

As i'm usually watching something (usually something very crap at that time of the morning!), it gets very annoying that this event forces the HDR to change channel to the BBC Red Button channel.

Is it possible to have the Disable-OTA scheduled reminder perform a record event, rather than a reminder event? Obviously this would cause a recording to be saved to the hard disk, but I can deal with that by adding an 'rm' to the boot sequence of the HDR.

Or, if the Addon itself needs to be modified, perhaps both options can be added to the Settings of the Addon? ie, an option to set a record event rather than reminder; and to automatically delete the recorded file when the Addon does its thang at the next boot.

I'd be happy to help out with any work that this might require if someone can point me at the sources for the Addon :)

Is it possible to have the Disable-OTA scheduled reminder perform a record event, rather than a reminder event?
The OTA block in the schedule will still work if you edit the reminder so that is records a TV or radio channel instead of a reminder.
If you turn off the reminder in Web-If>Settings>Settings for disable-OTA and set up a nightly timer recording of whatever channel to cover the same period of time, that should do it.
The OTA block in the schedule will still work if you edit the reminder so that is records a TV or radio channel instead of a reminder.

I tried that :)

If you edit the reminder to be a recording event it doesn't prevent the Addon from re-adding the "Disable OTA" event at the next boot. I'd have to edit every single day in order to prevent it switching channel. Also, it renames the event to whatever might be on the selected channel at that time - so the event would be called "BBC Red Button", not "Disable OTA"; which just looks odd when you see it in your schedule.
(See comments below about disabling the auto event add option)

If you turn off the reminder in Web-If>Settings>Settings for disable-OTA and set up a nightly timer recording of whatever channel to cover the same period of time, that should do it.

I did consider this too; and while it does achieve the objective (ie, stop the HDR turning over the channel at 4:20am) it results in the same issue with "BBC Red Button" appearing in the schedule (and being the filename of the recorded event) rather than the more informative "Disable OTA".

It's just a cosmetic thing, sure; and I will use this option if the Addon itself can't/won't be updated; but I thought i'd offer to (try to) add these options to the Addon myself (assuming the source is available... I don't know if it is) as I figured it would be a less hacky solution, and might benefit more users than just myself :)
The disable-ota reminder schedule entry can be disabled in WebIF >> Settings >> Settings for disable-ota package. Add your own manual timed recording entry for 0420-0440 daily, make it a channel you would never otherwise record from, and then set a sweeper rule to delete the recordings.
The disable-ota reminder schedule entry can be disabled in WebIF >> Settings >> Settings for disable-ota package. Add your own manual timed recording entry for 0420-0440 daily, make it a channel you would never otherwise record from, and then set a sweeper rule to delete the recordings.

As I said in my last reply, I know HOW to achieve the same thing; but I am OFFERING to improve the Disable-OTA Addon for the benefit of other users.

And you've also completely missed the point I made about having something in the schedule which just looks out of place. The scheduled "Disable OTA" entry makes sense when you look at it - a random recording title does not.

Please don't make me repeat myself again.
I don't think you are accounting for the limitations of what is possible (we call them "packages" not "addons").

My post 5 (and I acknowledge it repeats MET's advice) answers your objections in the first paragraph of post 4, and automatically removes the resulting recording file. I am not at all sure it is possible to alter the text which appears in the recording schedule for a "record" entry.

In cases such as yours, what we recommend is to just disable the reminder reservation. The disable-ota package will still remove the OTA search whenever the Humax firmware reinstates it, providing there is a reboot between the reinstatement and the next OTA search.

Please don't make me repeat myself again.
We all have to repeat ourselves from time to time, not least because of newcomers not reading the huge volume of information that is already available on the forum. Get used to it.
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If you edit the reminder to be a recording event it doesn't prevent the Addon from re-adding the "Disable OTA" event at the next boot. I'd have to edit every single day in order to prevent it switching channel. Also, it renames the event to whatever might be on the selected channel at that time - so the event would be called "BBC Red Button", not "Disable OTA"; which just looks odd when you see it in your schedule.
I think the rename is unavoidable. We only have the opportunity to make changes to the recording schedule database during boot before the main Humax software starts and, once it starts, one of its first tasks is to scan the recording schedule and update it based on the latest EPG (changes names, populates the binary event IDs etc.)

I don't think there is anything that could be added to the package that would achieve exactly what you want. The best seems to be that which MontysEvilTwin suggested. I'm always open to suggestion and improvements. If you want to experiment with what is possible then the source code can be found at https://rs.hpkg.tv/svn/src/disable-ota/
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I've been looking into this (albeit somewhat slowly) and think it can achieve what I want it to with some modifications to the SQL queries used to add the 'Disable OTA' reminder to the schedule.

It is easy enough to change the type of event from 'reminder' to 'record' (though a few other things in the addon need to be changed for this as the current SQL injection seems to be reminder specific), but i'm trying to figure out how to handle things when there are already 2 scheduled recordings that will cover the OTA period (I know this may be very unlikely given it's 4:30am) as I don't think it's correct to insert the event in this case - there would be 3 events to be recorded that would compete with each other.

It would also help if anyone has any idea what the different 'ersvtype' event identifies are. I'm aware that 2 is a 'reminder', and 3 is a 'record' event; i've seen reference to type 7 which I believe is the auto-scheduled OTA scan - what are the others? ie, 1, 4, 5, 6 etc?

Cheers :)
It would also help if anyone has any idea what the different 'ersvtype' event identifies are. I'm aware that 2 is a 'reminder', and 3 is a 'record' event; i've seen reference to type 7 which I believe is the auto-scheduled OTA scan - what are the others? ie, 1, 4, 5, 6 etc?

From the webif code:

  switch $ersvtype {
  1 { set name "--- Unnamed reminder ---" }
  2 { set name "--- Unnamed manual reminder ---" }
  3 { set name "--- Unnamed recording ---" }
  4 { set name "--- Unnamed manual recording ---" }
  5 { set name "--- Wake-up ---" }
  6 { set name "--- Sleep ---" }
  7 { set name "--- Auto Update ---" }
  11 { set name "--- DSO Event ---" }
  default { set name "--- Unknown event type $ersvtype ---" }
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